Chapter 5:- Gift.

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As we walked out, I saw a Mercedes. As I looked to my left this big guy Chris was already standing in front. I jolted at his appearance.

“Good Lord why you guys always like to scare me?!” I said in a high tone

He looked down and handed me my phone.

“Oh my god I didn't even realize! Thank you Chris.”

“Your welcome.” he said and got into the Mercedes. I instantly knew this was Gonzalez's car. Because I went to the club in it yesterday!! Then after they drove past us and me and Lilly were walking to my apartment.

“So where are you from?” I asked her.

“I'm from Arizona, I moved here a year ago.” I was kind of shocked.

“Whoa! You've been living here more longer than me! I moved here overmorrow.”

“Wow. That's crazy. Well, after you pack your things, we have to go to my place.” she said looking left to right for crossing the road.

“Oh. Why?” I asked confusedly as we crossed.

“I have to hand Coby to my neighbor.”

“Who the hell is Coby?” a grin appeared on my face.

“My dog.” she replied shrugging her shoulder

“Oh wow. Sure.”

After that, we went to my place. The keys jiggled as the door slid open.

“This is my apartment...” I shut the door behind us.

“Wow. This place is huge!” She walked in the living room admiring the place.

“Haha. Mr. Gonzalez got me.” I said as I threw my bag on the sofa and sat there.

“Oh– why though? Is there any relationship between you two?” she jumped on the sofa as well.

“I hope not. That man is very disrespectful!” I exposed.

“Disrespectful? He bought you this place I mean– he's going to be disrespectful. He's a mafia and he helped you; be thankful cause boy that's rare!.”

“I'm thankful! I just don't like him or any of his people!”

“Honey you are his people!”

Instant realization.
“Oh goddamn it. Whatever let's just grab my stuff and we shall leave.” I said and got out of the sofa and ran straight to my bedroom. Lilly came following. We entered.

“What the heck is this?” I said as I was mingled at the sight of two big suitcases and a note beneath it. Because of Curiousity, I took the note and I read it out loud. It went–

I know about your father as your phone was in my hands. I've kept some money in the suitcases. Keep one for yourself and take the other suitcase down. My men will meet you there. Hand them the other one.

I closed the note and I kept it aside. I opened the suitcase and Lilly opened the other one. Our eyes sparkled at the view of bundles of the 100 dollar bills!

Well I did as said, I closed one of it and took it downstairs. We waited for 5 minutes and I saw Chris with several other men in a black car. He came out of the car and walked up to me.

I handed over the suitcase and I asked,
“What's the plan?”

“Well I have to give this thing to someone who'll take your father far away; a place where he cannot target your friends or anyone.” he explained.

“How did you know about my father?!”

“Gonzalez told me.” he replied.

“Alright. Tell him I'm thankful.”

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now