Chapter 12:- WGACA

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Viviana's Pov:-

I didn't want to get away from Pierce but I couldn't be hugging him forever either. This guy saved my life and I'm thankful to God that I met him.
I released myself from the hug but my right hand was still on his chest; as a support so I don't trip.

“He's gone for food. He'll be back in a few.” I told both of them. “And I don't have any strength, I just wanna go home.” I sounded tired.

“Take her to the mansion. I'll take care of this fucker.” he told Chris. He nodded in response.

Chris came up to me but I refused.
“No. I wanna go home with you.” I said looking at his eyes.

“W-what?” he stuttered a bit.

“Yes. Leave it to Karma Pierce. What goes around, comes around.”

“No the fuck? I won't let him be out there. It's not only unsafe for you but also your friend!”
Pierce was very angry but he tried his level best to not reveal it.

Well I stayed calm and then I told him “Just come home please. I need you.” I was very tired to mask up my feelings so whatever I spoke was genuine. I needed him because he makes me feel safe.

“Ugh.... Alright. Hol' up.” he stuttered a lot. He needed a second to think. “Call Justus and Ryan right now.” he ordered  Chris. He nodded and did the job.

But hang on....

Cut to, Chris got off the phone and went-
“They'll be here in five.”

“Good.” he responded. “Let's go Viviana.” Pierce replied and carried me. This struck me as odd because I felt this touch was familiar.

My hands were placed around his neck and his hands were under my thighs and my back as he carried me. I kept looking at him the whole time. He carried me with ease. Matter of fact; he didn't even feel embarrassed. Wow. The top Mafia of all time carried me down the apartment and into the car. People were literally watching and he didn't even care. Then, he himself got in the car and drove to the mansion in a good speed. He got off the car and opened the door of my side. He carried me again.

I instantly knew this wasn't the first time he was carrying me.

He carried me inside and upstairs to my bedroom. He kicked the door open and carried me to the bed. He placed me gently on the bed and got away instantly. I could tell, he was insecure if he's being a creep.

I smiled at him from my bed and I looked at him lovingly.
“Thank you, Pierce” I said.

He smiled back. “My pleasure.” His hair hung loose in front of his eyes as he looked down at me. “Should I leave now?” he asked pointing the door with the thumbs.

“No. Stay.” I said with a calm tone.

“Oh- alright.” he replied and sat on a stool, besides my bed. His elbows rested on his knees and interlocked his fingers as he looked down. I glanced at him and I called–


“Yes?” he replied immediately; looking up at me.

I looked at his emerald eyes shining in the light of the lamp “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” he replied.

“I'm sorry; I should've listened to you.” I said with guilt.

“Don't apologize. I understand.”

I smiled at his words. I reached out my hand to him. He looked at my hands confusedly. He glanced at me and I blinked to indicate him to grab my hand.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. His smile stopped
“You're cold.” he looked at me.

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now