Chapter 43:- Salsa.

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Me, Viviana and my parents were at the club as promised. The music was playing loud, everyone was dancing, drinking and fooling around.

“Oh; Nostalgia...” my mom exclaimed getting closer to my dad. My dad smiled back, “It sure is.” he replied.

Me and Viv looked at each other after watching them and we smiled. How happy they were... Exactly what I wanted.

Viviana grabbed my bicep and rested her head on my shoulder. “If I ever want a married life, I want it to be like your parents...” she sighed and looked up at me.

I brushed her hair behind her ear, “Same here.” I said and I kissed her. We seperated and took a look around. All the couples in the club were dancing together because the soft music was playing, my parents joined the youngsters.

They were dancing together, looked adorable. We were just watching them from afar. This was the correct time so I got up to ask her for a dance too...

I bowed just like the first time we danced together, “Would you like to dance with me, Ms Garcia?”
I asked her just like the old days.

A grin spread across her face. She kept her glass with a thud and gave her hand.
“Sure Mr.”

And then I pulled her close. As soon as I did, the music changed all of a sudden; it wasn't love songs anymore...

It was...

Now, the spotlight was on us... Everybody around were looking at us and cheering out loud...
It had been a long time since I had done salsa and I was really nervous. Then I looked back at Viviana; boy she wasn't.

She started moving back sliding her feet against the floor.
“C'mon Pierre!” she yelled at me asking to come on.
Seeing my confident woman on the floor like that just boosted up my confidence.
“As you say your Majesty” I said and I got on the floor myself.
I came to her and pulled her close with my hand and our other hands were interlocked on the side. We started our salsa, moving around as energetically as possible.
“Ooh you still remember yeah?”
“Of course I do. Now watch out” I said and I picked her up in the air, moving her around. Each and every eyes were on us, everybody was cheering us up; including my parents. Now we stopped our salsa for a  bit and we looked at the crowd. The whole crowd went silent.
“THIS FLOOR IS NOT ONLY MINE FUCKERS JOIN!!” I yelled as loud as possible.
The whole crowd cheered again and picked up their partners and got on the floor.
Everybody was dancing together, we were having the time of our lives. The whole crowd was going WILD!

Me and Viv, we were so damn tired that we were out of breath. Literally sweating in this cold winter! We stopped by the bar once again.
“Woah that was GREAT!! You were FAB on that floor, how'd you do that Gonzalez?!” she said taking continuous shots of tequila.

“I don't know Garcia, you taught me and I still remembered I guess?!” I took a few shots myself.

We kept our glasses with a thud on the table and we went faced each other. She was smirking at me and I knew it. I smirked back and took her hand.
We went straight on the 2nd floor. Unfortunately, all the doors were locked.
“Aw man...” she said.
“Now what?” I asked.
She looked at me with a smirk again,
“Follow me.” she said and I just smiled confusedly at her. She lead to the bathroom.

She pulled me in and took a glance around before locking the door from inside.
She didn't even wait a second and pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was WILD! I started gazing my hands all over her body and her hands were undoing my shirt already. I picked her up and I kept her on the sink. We didn't let our lips separate while undoing our clothes. I didn't even wait a moment and I pulled that hardness out my jeans. When I put it in, she instantly moaned. AHH I LOVE MAKING HER MOAN.
“Pierce slowly.” she said and kept moaning. My hands were on her waist and her hands were on my shoulders and arms. I was stroking her as HARD as possible, grunting in pleasure. She screamed my name and still went, “Faster daddy FASTER!”

“Oh is that what you want?” I said and I laid her down and put her leg on my shoulder, this made me more comfortable to go faster.

“YES YES YES PLEASE!!” she was pleasing me already.

“You like that now?”

We continued doing it in unconsciousness. We kept fucking and fucking till we sweat, just like the dance.
Finally I came in her. Finally I filled her with my warmth. She moaned wildly and she came back. Squirting everything out. I kissed her belly and I said,
“Good girl.”
I picked up my shirt.

“Ahh... I can't put my clothes on, I'm really tired.”

“Hold on... I should be the one tired, I did everything.” I said while putting on my shirt. She looked up at me again.

“Can I get another round? Please?“ she made that doggy eyes.

“No Viv enough. You'll get pregnant as fuck.” I put on my tie.

“Fuck you.” she said and she got up. She bent down to pick her clothes up but she collapsed. “SHIT” she grunted in pain.

I laughed at her. “Who told you to take down that many shots darling?” I chuckled and gave her a hand as I said, “C'mon get up now.” I picked her up and kept her on the sink again.
I picked her clothes and I started dressing her. I fixed her hair, and removed her lashes. I put her heels on and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

“Ready?” I asked.

She looked at me in silence for a minute “How the fuck are you so stable?! Ugh!” she said and got down. I chuckled upon her words and offered her my bicep.

We walked out of there. Well unfortunately I walked out of there. She legs were shaking and she was wearing heels so I picked her up and carried her downstairs.

I met my parents and they were still dancing. It was hard to hear in all that music but I said it anyways, “We're going home now, enjoy you guys!” I said and my parents smiled as a response.

I carried her in my arms to my car while she was waffling about some girl shit.
“So I told her that it shouldn't cost 500 dollars, it's JUST A MANICURE!”

“yeah yeah” I was just responding even though I didn't hear a single shit, or understood one. Well, I opened the door to my Mercedes.

“I KNOW RIGHT!” she said as I kept her inside the car.

“Yep well enough talking, let's get you home.” I said while putting on seatbelts on her. I got in the car myself and we drove home...

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now