Chapter 38:- Wanna Go?

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I laid in his arms and we were tired as hell.

“Damn. Phew, I didn't know you were this good!” I said panting to catch a breath.

We chuckled looking at each other.
“You're amazing.” he replied.

“Yeah lol.”

There was a silence created between us for a few seconds, until I looked out the window. The moon was shining bright and the trees were swaying. Our room was lit up with candles and lamps and lights were off. Our room was warm and cozy. I got comfortable in his arms and a grin spread on my face as I looked at him.

“Christmas is around...” I said looking at his beautiful hazel eyes.

“Yep.” he looked down. “This year's about to end...”

“Mmhmm. Can't believe I've only known you since february... And look at us in November.”

He smiled and looked outside. “Yeah...” he got up and lit up a cigarette. “So. What should we plan for Christmas and New Year's Eve? You wanna go somewhere?” he asked blowing a smoke.

“You know what- yes.” I replied with a fantastic idea.

“Cool. So... Where would you like to go, princess?” he smiled at me.

I knew the sentence I was about to say was quite disagreeable.

I took a deep breath. “Venice, Italy.”

He looked at me expressionlessly.
“No” he said and faced the other direction.

I crawled up to him and I said;
“Pierce... It's been a really long time. I'm sure your parents must have forgiven you long gone, you're just afraid to talk to them.” I pulled my chin down as I asked “Ain't I right?”

He took a deep breath as he looked down at the sheets.
“Yeah... You're right. I'm very afraid and guilty.”

My heart melted. I hugged him from behind and I said-
“You don't have to be guilty. Everything happens for a reason.”

“No you don't understand Althea-”

What the actual fuck.

“Sorry- I mean. Viviana.” he gulped

I raised a brow at him and took my hands off. “Althea?... Would you like to explain somethings Mr Gonzalez?” I said with an attitude.

“It was just a minor mistake, I'm sorry. I had her on my mind so-”

“Oh she's on your mind so much that you forgot your damn girlfriend's name? What a gorgeous start of the relationship Pierce.” I said and I got off the bed. I started dressing up.

“Hey hey- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to-”

I tied the lace on my dress. “Don't talk to me.” I stormed out...

I couldn't believe that I just slept with him and now he's taking some other woman's name already. Men sure can't be trusted.
I walked up to the table and poured a whiskey for myself. I watched all the people having fun downstairs as I shook my drink before taking a big slurp. I poured another one, took another big slurp. 5 neat shots of whiskey did me good. And the only thought roaming around my head was that he didn't even reach out for me after that. Didn't even think of apologising and having a drink outside. Can't believe I've always been loved only under these 4 walls...

I took the sixth shot and I trembled downstairs. I glanced back and I didn't see him. I was a little hurt, I sure was. I struggled to get out of the crowd as I was really drunk and unconscious. I somehow made it outside. When I left the place, there was a feeling of freedom as I felt the breeze through my hair. I gazed my hand on my outer bicep and I felt the goosebumps. I was cold, but I couldn't really feel it. I looked at the sky and a grin spread on my face. I chuckled as I collapsed on the grass.
“Ahh what a great sex.” I said to myself. I started rolling around in happiness and I forgot what happened with me and him. I got up and I sat with my palms wrapped around my knees and I kept looking at the sky. I was so drunk that I couldn't hear the footsteps approaching. The smile on my face disappeared the moment I felt a real BAD touch on my back. I turned around and there was a man; a middle aged man.

“Don't move baby” he said and started touching me and my arms. His hands moved towards my waist real fast, untying the dress.

“GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” I screamed at him. “LET GO!” I struggled to free myself. He shushed me and laid me down forcefully. I kept screaming but due to the loud music nobody could hear me. He separated my legs and pushed himself between. The real fear kicked in when he locked my hands above and started lifting my dress. I tried my best to escape but I couldn't. I started crying I was so damn scared. “PIERCE! PIERCE HELP! SOMEBODY!” I kept sobbing and screaming. All I got from this event was the flashbacks of Tyler... Until I heard a sprint. BAM! He punched him knocking that creep off of me. He laid down bleeding on the grass. I couldn't see very well but I heard a familiar voice. I felt him carrying me in his arms and murmuring something that was inaudible to me.

Then I don't remember anything but waking up to a splash of water.
“VIVIANA!” Pierce yelled. I snapped out of my mind.
“What?” I muttered out of sudden terror.

“Are you alright, Baby?” he was kneeling and I found myself on a chair. His hands were on my thighs. I looked at his eyes and I could tell how worried he was.

“Yes- yes I'm.”

“Did he do something to you?”

I nodded left to right. “Could've”

“I'm so sorry baby. It was my fault to leave you alone out there.” he hugged me burying his face in my chest. I felt SO good while he hugged me in that way! I ran my fingers through his hair and neck. I kissed his head

“It's okay... You did come and that's a lot for me.”

He looked up at me. “I don't wanna lose you again Viv- I love you.”

I got so emotional the way he said it. I kissed him slowly and I replied with a grin, -“I love you too... ”

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now