Chapter 55th:- Shocks on shocks.

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Everything was going just perfect. We were taking care of our little Jazzlyn and we kept other multiple people to take care of her in our absence. She was safe from all around but I still had a bad gut feeling that something was odd, wrong.

I was sitting outside, watching the moonlight with my daughter one day. Everyone was busy and I completed my work early. I didn't even change, I was still in my suit. Well I had to manage time somehow. We were sitting in the breeze on the terrace. It was just peaceful. She was in arms, all sleepy. I was sitting on the couch looking at the moon and stars. I heard a noise from behind so I turned back. I was happy to see Viviana unless I saw her approaching me slowly on a call and tears welled up in her eyes.

She walked up to me and sat in front.
“What's wrong?” I asked worriedly patting Jazz's back.

She hung up and wiped her tears away.
Y-your father passed away.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. I gulped and handed Jazz to her and I faced the moon again. My heart shattered. I closed my eyes.
“Go to bed, Viv.” I told her.

She nodded and left the place.

I just sat there in the cold breeze, regretting everything I've done so far. I should've stayed with him, I should've spent some more time with him, I should've been a good son that I was never...

Tears rolled down my cheeks and looked at the starry sky. A shooting star passed by and I made a wish,
“May his soul rests in heaven.” I said. I got up, dusted my clothes and wiped my face. I ran down...

A few weeks later...

I won't lie but my father's death made me turn cold. I didn't want to laugh anymore, I didn't want to smile. I'd just sit under the moonlight with my daughter everyday, that was the only escape for me. I barely talked to Viv. She was such an understanding woman that she gave me some space without any judgment.
Just another normal day, I was resting on the terrace with my daughter after a long day. I heard footsteps behind me. My eyes were still gazing stars with my little girl asleep in my arms.
Viv took a seat in front of me.


“Hello love.” I replied.

She put her hands on my thigh as she continued,
“Remember that I still love you, Pierce.” she said with a smile. “I know it must be really tough for you; but distancing every time won't help.”

I sighed and I smiled back. “I know, you're right... Okay so tell me how was your day?”

The smile on her face widened. Because she knew this wasn't just a question, this was the beginning of fixing things. And since I've got married and had this beautiful girl, I knew I shouldn't make anything more tough than it already is.So yeah, we fixed, we stayed; like always.

After so long, me and her had a good conversation. Had deep talks.

A few days passed by again. Everything got cool. We were again stuck to our busy schedule.

But one thought kept me awake for several nights... I was somewhere worried about Luca. He was addicted again...

No one could even think of harming me before, but now that I have a family I'm afraid. Because I know he'll definitely be after my family.

I was at the base taking a meeting, Fernando stepped in and took a seat. He just sat there smoking cigar until the meeting was done and everyone left. Then I was arranging my papers with a cigarette in my mouth.

“What brings you here today papa?” I asked.

He slowly stepped towards me and kept his hand on my shoulder. He smiled as he said,
It's time for your Coronation, son.”

The cigarette fell out of my mouth. I was shook to my core. I hugged him.

“Thank you papa” I said and he patted my back.

“30th November, is the day I was coronated by my mother... This Saturday, that Crown will be yours and Viviana's.” he said.

Words can't describe how grateful I was...

I went home with the biggest smile on my face that day...
We were spending time with Jazz and I knew it was the perfect moment to tell her... But I didn't want to do it there.

“C'mon, I have to tell you something.” I said and got up.

“Okay but where are you taking me?” she said grabbing my hand

“Just walk with me.” I said and we went down. I handed Jazz to Ryan and we went on a walk. We went to the Church since I forgot to go today, it was Sunday. Me and her sat next to each other as we prayed together. As our prayers were over, I faced her

I took a deep breath- “The coronation would be held this Saturday.”

She jaw dropped.

“Welcome, Mafia Queen, Viviana Gonzalez...”

She hugged me.
“Oh my gosh... I can't believe it, this feels so unreal.” she said as we separated.

“I know... I wish papa was here to see this..."

"Hmm” she said looking down in grief..

I took her hand and warmed it a bit. “Thank you so much Viv. For always sticking around.” I said looking deep into her eyes.

She chuckled softly,
“I love you idiot...” she said and grabbed my hand tighter...

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now