Chapter 7:- Beautiful.

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He removed the hand from my waist and walked up to the changing room. I had nothing to do but to follow him without people noticing. But the crowd was so nasty that I got lost. But finally, I made it to the changing room. I looked around while breathing heavily when Pierce got in the sight.
“Here, catch!” he threw the keys and I caught it. He then did a hand gesture that indicated me to leave the place. I left the place and I kept the key in my purse. I fixed my hair as I got out. Till then I saw a woman getting up on the stage and grabbing the mic.
“The wedding ceremony will start in 5 minutes and I want you all to take your seats.”

“Fuck” I said to myself. Everybody started settling down and I'm damn sure they were going to suspect us. We were highlights of this function! And people are going to question about the absence of the highlights. WHERE THE HECK IS PIERCE AT?!? I had to stop panicking. I calmed down, took a deep breath and I got out. Thank god nobody noticed! I was busy finding seats as the seats were already given to us. I was finding the rows when I felt someone sliding thier hand to my waist. I almost freaked out until I looked over to see Pierce right behind me, awfully close and his hands wrapped around my waist. I had to act accordingly.

“Aww. Look at you two! So beautiful.” an old lady complimented us.

“Thanks.” I said with pride and she just walked away with a smile.

“Ugh I hate you so much woman. Now let's find our seats.” he got closer to my ears from behind as he whispered these. He removed his hands from the waist and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

“I already hate you Mr Gonzalez! It's your deal and I'm the one grinding. You're such a useless—”

“I found our seats. It's in front. C'mon.” he kept the paper back.

“That's why I like you.”

Yup. That's how fast my mood changes. Well, I looked down and I saw his hand searching for mine as we walked towards our seats. I smiled at this and I grabbed his hand. He took my hand and we stood at our seats. The wedding ceremony began.

The priest was already there, Joshua was there and the groom mates were also there. I looked around to see Hugo absent. Well I was going to talk about it but I heard clappings at the approaching bride. All of us looked back to see a beautiful woman in bridal dress. Well that was not my business.

The music played as she walked up the aisle with her dad. Her dad had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. My eyes rested in my real emotion when they walked passed us. When it was time for her to stand in front of the groom, her dad kissed her on the forehead as the years rolled down his cheecks.

I wish I had a father like him. I stroked my nose gently with my index finger and when I glanced at Pierce; he was already looking at me. I could see on his face, he understood me very well. He broke the character and pulled my hand with his fingers and he whispered in my ears,

“You are very strong.” he let go of my hand. I smiled at his statement. He smiled back. We watched the ceremony. Finally it was the final part,

“And now I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” the priest said. They kissed and everybody applaud.

I looked at him and he looked at me. We nodded together because this is where we had to be a little careful. Everybody scattered again. Music was playing and everyone was busy chatting and dancing and eating and stuff. Perfect timing for us to move. We escaped the crowd and went up. We pretended to look for Hugo.

We went up to Hugo's office. I looked around when I found the locker. I slowly got in and Pierce was watching over me. I put in the key and I didn't open. I got a little scared. I inserted in the other one and it opened. Finally I looked around and I saw the damn key hanging on top of the locker. I took it and I opened the drawer. I found the papers. My smile widen and I showed it to Pierce. He indicated me to fold and put it in my purse. I did.

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now