Chapter 13:- Preview.

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“What the fuck?!” I jumped out of my skin. You have no idea how much of a trouble maker I felt!

“Yeah! Well I've sent other men to find him.” he shook his head dejectedly. “But a very generous man of our mafia died because of your father.”

I felt guilty. I felt terrible!
“No no no! Shit! I'm so sorry!” I rested my head on my palms grabbing my hairs. A tear rolled down my cheeks. “I'm so sorry Pierce.” I apologised with my quivering lips. I didn't even look up because I didn't want him to see me crying. The worst day of my whole life!

“It's not your fault.” he said with a soft tone.

“No it is!” finally a sob escaped my mouth.

“Viviana are you crying?”
I nodded trying to hold back my tears real bad. His hand reached my chin and he moved my head up from his fingers. He looked at my teary eyes. A crease formed between his brows. He exhaled briefly and said–
“There's no point of crying.” he looked at my lips and then my eyes, “My men will find him and then we've gotta visit Jame's funeral afterwards.” he blinking and removed his hands from the chin.

I gulped and nodded a yes. I had all my hairs messed up and my face greased with tears.

When he saw me like this, He got up. He went up to my dresser and he came back with wet wipes. He took out a wipe and sat on the bed. His fingers lifted my chin up and he wiped my face.
“Try to be tough, Viv.” he said while wiping my face. I just nodded quietly. When he was throwing the wipe in the bin, he noticed the bruise on my wrist. The tough hold of Tyler's hand left a mark on my hand. A crease formed between his brows and he gave me a glare.
I was silent. I pulled my knees towards my chest and rested my hands on them.

“I'll kill him.” he moved his head right to left in a slow-mo.

I shot him with a silent treatment. I was afraid of angry Gonzalez.

Well he got up and walked up to my door. He held the door knob and was about to leave. He turned around for once,
“Get some sleep. Good night Amore.”

“Good night.” he shut the door. “Amore? What the hell it mean? Couldn't care less; I slept right after laying down.


Pierce's POV:-

I was sitting on her bed, watching her doing her hair. My arms were pretty tired because of the beatings I gave to Tyler yesterday night. Ahh... Calmed all of my anger honestly. Well back to Viv; She said 5 more minutes and it's been almost half an hour. I kept checking my watch.

“Yeah, I'm done.” she said and turned around. She grabbed her little bag. “Let's go.” she said, expressionlessly.

I got up, looking at her from head to toe; effortlessly gorgeous. She got out of the room and I followed her downstairs. We left the mansion and walked to the limousine. When she realised she wasn't walking along with me, she sped up a bit and got beside me. I removed my hand from my pocket and grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her towards me. I opened the door and she got in. I got in from the other side and I started the engine. We drove off.

I had no idea how would she do it. I kept checking up on her and she was expressionless the whole time. She just stared blankly ahead. I thought to break the silence-
“So... Are you sure about this?”

“Just watch.” she said and my eyes widened. I've never seen her this cold. I kept driving.

Finally we reached our Base. We got off the limousine and walked towards it. We had to go through some scans and I also used her prints for verifications so that she can visit without me as well. We entered the base and everybody greeted us. Not gonna lie, she acted as if she is literally my wife because of the way she ordered everybody to take a seat. She held my hand as we walked to the cell area. Everybody's ears were moved back in wonder of who was she.

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now