Chapter 26:- See you soon.

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I woke up in a sudden terror to a knock. My hair was all messed up. I got up and rubbed my eyes and checked what time it was.

"Come in." I said in a sleepy voice. "Aw shit" I said as I realised it was 9 pm. I have no idea when I slept and I have no idea what day it was.

The door slid opened and the maid said,
"Ms Garcia, Mr Gonzalez has called you."

I glanced at her over my shoulder with a very disturbing face. "I'll be there in 5." my voice barely spoke. She bowed and went away shutting the door behind.

I yawned and I walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw wrinkles because of the sheets. I was like- "Damn. I slept good."

I splashed some water on my face and got changed into a comfy outfit. I walked downstairs to the dining room and I saw him there, going through his phone. He glanced at me for a second then kept his phone away. I slowly stepped towards the chair and took a seat. The food arrived right away.

“Hey.” I said as I picked up the fork.

He interlocked his fingers and said, “Well... There are various reasons why I've called you here today... I know we're not talking or anything but this discussion is important.” he said looking straight at my eyes with a lot of seriousness.

I took a bite as I said, “See me and Juan are dating but it isn't official y-”

“WHAT?!” his ears moved back. “You should know we cannot date someone from other mafia in Diamante Nero!” he banged his fist on the table.

I frowned “What? Why?!” I kept my fork down.

“Because it is not allowed so! And not only in DN but also in any other mafia; no one is allowed to date someone from other mafias! How dare you?!” he yelled at me angrily.

“If I do date anyone; what will be the punishment?” I still kept calm.

He calmed down a bit as he realised looking at my belly that I'm fucking pregnant. His breathing slowed.
“Viv there's no punishment. You only get expelled from the mafia. It wouldn't bother me at all if you were a normal person dating a mafia. But you are an assistant mafia of DN and you should know whom to trust.” he explained gently.

“I don't understand why is this even a rule?”

“No what the fuck is wrong-.... Never mind. It is a rule because we don't want our information to be leaked. We trust our agents 100 percent but them dating some other mafia builds trust issues.
   I don't understand how Juan is dating you? I should call his father and let him know that he's going against the rule.” he instantly picked up the phone to give a call.

“No wait-” I interrupted.

He kept his phone down.

I sighed,
“I'll figure something out and stop it- if this is the rule.” my voice slowed.

He looked at me with pity.
“See Viviana, I don't want to stop you from loving someone. But you are my assistant.” he highlighted ‘my’ in the sentence. “It's your choice to leave the mafia if you want to be with someone from another mafia; it's not our responsibility.”

I still looked down and I had stopped eating.

“I'm sorry. I didn't even wanna have a convo about Juan with you.”

I raised a brow in confusion, “So what have you called me here for?”

He looked down and exhaled in disappoinment as he said-
“It's for the baby.”

𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬, 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥Where stories live. Discover now