Bad day

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Scarlett's POV:

I slowly wake up to the feeling of something light tapping my shoulder, my eyes flutter open as light streams in through the open curtains in the room. I turn my head to see what that feeling on my shoulder is when I hear the most amazing sound I could possibly hear in the morning.

"Good morning darling," my amazing wife husks into my ear.

She begins to kiss my shoulder again, slowly making her way to my neck. I close my eyes again at the feeling of her lips on my skin. I release a soft moan as she continues to kiss my neck, her hand rests on the side of my face and my left cheek, rubbing it with the soft pad of her thumb. God I love being woken up like this.

"Morning babe," I reply with my morning voice.

"How are you feeling today?" Lizzie asks in between kisses as she slowly moves her leg, climbing over my body straddling my hips.

"Amazing. I love when you wake me up like this, it makes my day." My eyes slowly open to see Lizzie on top of me. I tilt my head down so Lizzie comes into my view.

I smile up at her as she smiles back, god I could look up at her forever. She continues to caresses the side of my face softly, looking up in admiration.

"I'm glad, we do however need to get up." Lizzie whispers softly.

I groan in response, I want to stay here, it's so much better. But we have to go to work. We are both working together on the same movie, a new marvel film. Supposedly where black widow and Scarlett witch end up together as love interests. I mean we are all for it.

I tap her ass telling her to move so I can get up, she quietly moans at the motion but nevertheless moves to beside me. I glance over and notice she's only in a long shirt, probably after last night. She climbs off the bed and hands me one of her big shirts. I smile and put on the shirt, so I'm not naked.

"You know your not getting this back," I smirk.

"Yeah, you know we share a wardrobe?" She laughs with a raised eyebrow. Wow beautiful.

I sit up and swing my legs round and off the bed. I look at the clock and read '06:32' we need to hurry otherwise we're going to be late again. I stand up and begin to walk around the bedroom towards our walk in wardrobe. As I'm walking I notice a slight limp. Great. Just what I want. As if Lizzie read my mind she sniggered.

"How's the limp? It always looks good on you." She said in a seductive voice with a smirk.

I snap my head round and roll my eyes. I pout as I continue to walk through. As I enter the wardrobe I decide I should wear some basic clothes, as I'll just get changed on set. I reach for a pair of blue mom jeans and a grey sweater. I decide to just wear a bra underneath no shirt. I choose a pair of black and white vans and walk out of the wardrobe.

As I exit Lizzie is sat there doing her makeup, not that she needs it. Although the makeup team are just going to remove it anyway but it's what she feels comfortable leaving the house in. And I want her to be comfortable and confident in herself. We switch places once she has finished her light makeup and I sit down in the chair. I however don't wear any makeup to set.

Once we're both ready to leave our bedroom Lizzie grabs my hand and holds it as we exit done toward the kitchen. We don't really eat for set as we are brought breakfast there. But I make sure to grab and apple to have on the way.

"We need to go honey, we don't want to be late." Lizzie says as she kisses behind my right ear.

She takes my hand and dads me to the car. She walks me towards the passenger side and opens the door for me. I step inside the car, once I'm in she closes the door for me. She then walks over to the drivers side and get inside. She starts the car and drives us out of the gate, and towards the gate that closes in our gated community. Once she's steady her hand is placed on the upper inside of my thigh. Her thumb caresses the jeans I'm wearing, I can still feel the movement however of her thumb.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now