Doctors visit

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Your POV:

It's been a week since I moved to live with Scarlett and Lizzie, and today I have a doctors appointment apparently. I've never had one before so i don't know what to expect. Scarlett said it was to have a check up, to see how I'm doing, she said it was noting to be worried about.

We decided that Scarlett and Lizzie would come with me, I'm not sure why I need them both but they both wanted to come and I didn't want to pick. I don't want to pick one, they might think I don't like one of them, then they could get rid of me because they don't like me. I don't want to be sent away again, no one wants a teenager, they don't have a long enough childhood. We aren't as appealing, most kids in the system, if they reach ten, they are almost guaranteed to be in the system till they turn eighteen.

So I went with saying I wanted them both, or that I could go on my own, but that idea was very quickly shutdown.

It's currently lunch and me and Lizzie are currently eating, and scar has just sorted her food out too. Scarlett had made me her amazing peanut butter and jam sandwiches, they're the best. Apart from Lizzie's cooking that's just as good.

It's odd, eating at a table, with a plate an all, it's normal for most but for three years I ate cereal bars. But hit food is the best, especially homemade when you can see it being made. I am used to being told I could eat so I guess being able to eat and all when I want is fun. And I don't have to finish my food, which is great.

As we are eating, I can see Lizzie and Scarlett giving each other the love eyes, it amazing how they look at each other. As we are finishing up, me and Lizzie take our plates to the sink. I grab the soap and sponge and begin to clean the plates, I do this every time we eat, I clean after. They cooked, and I need to earn their love. I was told by cleaning you can earn love, so I will keep cleaning. I want their love. It has taken a while to want someone's love, but I want someone to look at me with love in their eyes. And I have Leah, she looks at me in that sort of way but I would love it if I had a mother figure.

Lizzie and Scarlett have told me that I don't need to clean, they used to tell me every time for the first few days but they have given up now.

Once I have finished cleaning, it's about two in the afternoon so I need to be heading to the doctors soon. And let me tell you I am not looking forward to it. They are going to poke and prod me and I hate that. Plus I'm going to have to give my birthday, which I didn't really want to tell anyone, I hate my birthday. I don't want to celebrate it when there's no one to celebrate with.

"Come on y/n, we need to leave. Grab a jacket and put some shoes on." I rush and grab my only jacket which is a puffer jacket. I then grabbed a pair of old converse I found in a charity shop.

I rush out of the house, I get in the car and see them both sat in the front. I frown, oh no I made them wait, I try not to show my nerves but seem to fail.

"It's okay y/n no need to be nervous." Lizzie says softly with a light smile.

"Okay," I whisper softly.

We pull out of the driveway and out of the gate for the street. We drive for about twenty minutes before we pull up to the doctors. The car slows to a stop, I look out the window and see a rather large white building.

"Okay y/n in we go." I nod and follow them along.

We walk through an automatic door, towards the receptionist. I look at Scarlett as we arrive at the reception, it's very big and has a glass table. She understand immediately and starts talking.

"Hi there we are here to see Dr Manning, for a private consultation." I had no idea it was private, that's expensive. Why would they spend so much money on me?

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