Not alone

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Your POV:

I can't believe I made them cry, I don't want them to be upset with me, and now they are offering me to move out of my bus. I'm not sure if I want to leave my bus, it's safe and no one ever touches it. I have lived in the bus for so long I'm not sure. I wish I could say something, they don't even know my name. I am going to try again, I need to say something I can't not.

"M-m-mmm." As I mumble and both their heads snap towards me.

"That's it honey, you got it." Lizzie says, it's as though she knows how hard it is for me to talk. She has a glint in her eyes I'm not sure what of though

"M-mhm... m-my mmm," I'm getting frustrated with myself, why can't I just say something. They both look at me with a smile. Almost encouraging me to try again Scarlett nods her head with a look I haven't really seen before.

"M-mmm umm y-y/n," I mumble our just above a whisper. They both break a smile, and I break a smile too. I said it, I said something.

"Is your name y/n?" Scarlett asks with a huge smile on her face. I go to say something but don't achieve it at all, nothing comes out as I open my mouth. I pout as I can't say anything else. I look up and nod my head shyly.

"Well y/n is a lovely name, and you have a lovely voice." I look at them both with a smile, my cheeks blush and turn a crimson red at the compliment.

I walk around and go into my food stash and take out a cereal bar, I look to them both and point towards the snack bars offering them one. I know I shouldn't offer one as I'm already short on food but it's the least I could do for staying in their home for a night.

"No thank you honey, we are going to grab some on set." Lizzie says softly.

I nod my head and out my bad in my trouser pocket. I take all my cleaning stuff and look at them both. Are they gonna go? Or like what now?

Lizzie's POV:

The girl which I now know as y/n looks up at me with a slightly confused look. I'm not sure what she is confused about.

I look at my phone and see that we need to go to work, we're going to be late if not.

"Scarlett we need to head to set," I state without looking up.

"Okay well then, y/n are you coming?" She asks looking up into her eyes. Y/n looks at her with a small smile but also a bit shocked, I hope she didn't expect us to leave her to walk all alone to set. But she has been doing that from the beginning.

She nods and reaches for her bag, she places it on her shoulders and we leave the bus. She walks around and closes all windows and doors, she seems to have been doing this for a long time, it's almost and automatic response. I wonder how long she has stayed in the bus. I hope not too long.

I look around and see no gate, I'm not sure how we leave exactly. We walk to the same point on the wall that we climbed over. She looks at the tree and points over to it. Okay I'm guessing we're climbing a tree then.

She takes her bag and throws it over the wall, now I'm glad we didn't bring our bags with us. She looks at both me and Scarlett and then to her eyes, telling us to watch her. We nod and watch every step she takes on the tree. She climbs it with such ease. I go next and copy the same steps as y/n and reach the top of the wall. I look over and see y/n watching my every move and her hands are out to catch me if I fall. When she sees I'm good she offers her hand which I take as I slide off the top of the wall.

I watch as we wait for Scarlett. I know she hates climbing, so I hope she is okay. She insisted on going last, as always worrying more about everyone else than herself. I see her pop up on the other side of the wall and watch as she swing herself on top of the wall. Y/n steps forward in place to catch Scarlett if she fell. I chuckle as I'm not sure what a small child could do to save a grown woman from falling and hitting the ground but you never know I guess. Once Scarlett was over, y/n offered her hand to which Scarlett took and  slid off the wall.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now