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Lizzie's POV:

I am sat holding Scarlett's hand tight. She has another surgery soon and I'm super nervous. I have so much going on in my mind, with y/n and then Scar. She still has a feeding tube as well as the breathing tube, I've noticed she doesn't have the same colour on her cheeks anymore. And wow do I miss it. She was my light and right now she can't help me at all.

The next surgery is to fix her small bowel. I am super nervous, this is supposed to be a tricky surgery to do. They keep promising that they have their bast surgeons on hand but it didn't seem to ease my nerves. My anxiety has gotten a lot worse, I don't have Scarlett there to help me through it like usual, I am grateful for Hunter and Melanie for stepping in, but it's just not the same.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the phone ringing, my bag is in the other side of the room. I look over and see everyone is asleep on the chairs, no one has left, except to get food. I refuse to leave the room, I will be with her for as long as it takes.

I reluctantly let go of her hand and quickly dash over to my phone, I grab it and dash back and resume holding her hand. The amount of comfort I feel from holding her hand is unreal, it makes me feel so much better. I hope she can maybe hear me, or feel me holding her hand.

I answer the phone with one hand and put it to my ear, shuffling so that it rests in between my ear and shoulder allowing both my hands to hold hers.

"Hello, Mrs Olsen?" The man on the phone questions, I now realise I didn't even look at who was calling.

"This is she, who is this?" I ask.

"This is detective Voight. I need you to come to the station, there is an regent natter we need to discuss." He says, a slight rush but also purpose in his voice.

"Yes sir, I'm currently at the hospital however. My wife is about to go into surgery, I don't want to leave her if there is a possibility I don't need to." I say with a soft sigh at the end.

"Of course, I will make my way there now." I release a sigh of relief that I don't have to leave her, I don't know if I could.

I end the call and see that Vanessa is looking at me with a signature Johansson raise eyebrow. I look at her confused, what is she looking at me like that for.

"Who was that?" She questions.

"It was erm the police." I mumble to myself more than her.

"Is it about the girl, Scarlett told us about?" Oh, I didn't know she mentioned her to her family.

I nod yes and she looks down at her hands, as though she was in deep thought. I look back to Scarlett sleeping on the bed, I manoeuvre her around slightly, adjusting her hair to make it as comfortable as possible.

Half an hour later the door swings open and in enters the detective, I nod towards him and he walks into the room. The family that are sat in the hospital room all startle awake, looking towards the door, they all look at the detective. He walks up to me and stands beside me, I stand up still holding her hand and look at him.

"Ma'am I have good news and bad news." I give a quizzical look before nodding my head.

"So we have arrested the man that has shot your wife. He will not be allowed bail and won't be out of prison anytime soon I promise." I feel all my muscles relax and look around the room, they all have a light smile on their faces. But the look in his eye tells me there's something else.

"We also found the child that was at the park with the man, it was the  missing girl, she seems to have a one sided relationship with someone, she has told us he goes by the name 'Boss'. We are currently searching for the man in charge. But we need to know if you are wanting to press charges on the child, it could be around three to five years depending on severity." He stated without a show of emotion.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now