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Your POV:

I was looking at Leah who had a sad look on her face, I was leaving her and we had just kissed. I don't know what to do.

Theirs a tear slowly falling down her left cheek. I walk over to her and place my hand on her cheek, I wipe away the tear with my thumb. She places her hand on top of mine. The lady leaves the room, leaving it to be just me and Leah, I can tell this going to hurt her a lot more than me.

"It's okay, I will make sure we can still see each other. I don't want whatever this is to end, but I- I'm going to miss you." She mumbles.

"How about we spend the rest of the day with each other. And then we don't have to even think about you leaving." I nod my head, and smile softly.

She lays down back on her bed and I climb on top, she rubs her hand up and down my back, in a soothing motion. I lean up and kiss her again, I'm definitely scared to go any further, I don't know what to do, I barely got this bit understood. I feel her hand land on my lower back, very close to my ass.

Nervously I decide to take her hand and move it down slightly. I feel her grin as I place her hand down, she squeezes it softly causing me to squeal in surprise. I have to admit this is moving rather quick, I'm running out of air so I separate and pull away. We both have massive smiles on our faces.

Her hand stays on my bass, not moving. Once I catch my breath I snuggle up and kiss her again, this time I feel her tongue against my bottom lip. What am I supposed to do? Not sure what to do I just continue kissing like that until I feel a hard squeeze on my ass.

I open my mouth in surprise which is when she stuck her tongue into my mouth. I have no idea what is happening, I think she noticed my lack of knowledge as her tongue plays with my tongue. They dance around until she pushes her tongue deep into my mouth, they dance together. After a couple of minutes I struggle for air again I pull back and catch my breath.

"Wow, that was something." She whispers against my lips. I nod and rest my head against her chest.

She rubs her fingers through my hair, occasionally scratching my scalp. We turn on the tv and watch it until we fall asleep.

Time skip~

It's the morning and I don't want to get up, but I'm being picked up in just under two hours so I need to get up. I try and push off Leah's arm but to no avail. I groan and climb under her arm.

"Hey, am I that hard to spend time with?"'she whines.

I shake my head and walk around the room. Leah understands that im trying to pack, she starts helping me, she hands me two of her hoodies. I shake my head and point to her.

"Yes they are mine but I want you to have them." I just nod and put them into my backpack.

We continue packing until I look at the clock and see it reads '09:58' they are supposed to be here at ten. I am still unsure as who is actually picking me up. I look over to Leah who also has her eye on the clock.

"Hey so I was going to give you this later but I don't know if I will be able to I am going to give it to you now." She hands me a gift bag.

I look up in surprise. I open the bag and find a phone, my head snaps up and run over bad hug her as tight as possible. I squeeze her tight.

"So in the phone there are three numbers, mine, Freya's and charlottes. They are all named and you can text us whenever you want. I hug her again but step back as I open the phone. I click onto messages and click on Leah's name, I text 'hi' as soon as I press send her phone pings and replies.

"Hi back," I laugh at her joke.

We were both staring into each others eyes, she pulls me over to her bed, we lay and hug each other tight, I close my eyes never wanting to let go. I fall asleep to the feeling of Leah kissing me on the lips.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now