Birthday planning

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Lizzie's POV:

Once we are dressed and cleaned ourselves up we make our way downstairs and join the girls in the movie room, surprisingly they are just watching avengers age of ulrton, their chose in movie however doesn't surprise me at all. Me and Scarlett sit down on the sofa and watch the rest of the movie, hoping to have dinner and then have y/n go to bed a bit earlier so we can decorate the house for her birthday.

The movie has come to an end and we have all eaten some dinner. I had cooked everyone someone lasagne which seemed to have gone down well. I looked over to Scarlett who nodded her head, I knew we had to get y/n to go to sleep soon.

"Hey y/n you look pretty tired, why don't you head up to bed?" She looks up at me in surprise, Leah does too. Leah's face shows five different types of emotion, when it suddenly seems to click.

"Yeah y/n/n you do seem quite tired, why don't you catch up on some sleep, I'll join you in a bit." Leah offers, clearly trying to help us out. Y/n seems a bit surprised and looks between the pair of us. She just sighs before nodding her head.

"Good night everyone I guess." Her phone reads out, I have to admit I do feel bad, she clearly doesn't want to head to sleep but hopefully she will see why in the morning.

As y/n seems to slowly trudge her way upstairs, clearly in a mood we all look up and wait until we hear her bedroom door shut, we ent expecting the door to be slammed but still, we could now decorate and wrap the presents.

Leah's POV:

Lizzie and Scarlett and start moving around the house, clearly knowing where everything is, I turn to the kitchen and into the undercupboard I reached inside and took out the small bag. It was my present for y/n, I had bought it with some of the money I had, and Scarlett had helped. I hope she likes it, because I was so unsure as to what to get her. I take the bag and put it on the table with the present from everyone y/n is close with.

Scarlett walked in with a rather large box, I peaked inside to see lot of different presents, some small and some larger. I can't help but smile, I know she doesn't usually like her birthday but she will definitely like it this time. Scarlett places the box down and gestures for me to come over.

"Leah could you help me start wrapping, I'm not very good at doing it on my own?" I smile wide and nod my head, we stand around the kitchen island and bring out the wrapping paper, scissors, tape, ribbon and a few bows.

We start to wrap the presents, starting with the clothes first, I know that y/n will want to donate her old clothes, so I make sure we keep the boxes for later. There's a range of clothes, from sports kit, to jumpers, shirts, shorts, a couple pairs of shoes and some marvel merch which obviously had to be included. There were some odd shapes to wrap, me and Scarlett have been wrapping in the kitchen the whole time, I haven't actually seen lizzie. I wonder where she is. I decide to ask Scarlett where lizzie is.

"Hey erm Scarlett where is Lizzie I haven't seen her for a while?" Scarlett's head snaps up towards me with a crooked smile as she looks around the house.

"I think Lizzie is decorating the house, she erm likes it down in a specific way or and I quote 'make the house look like a mess' so I just leave the decorations to her." I can't help but laugh at Scarlett's comment.

"Oh okay, I just haven't seen her in a while." Scarlett nods and we continue with the wrapping.

We have moved onto wrapping books and stuff like that. I am so excited I hope she likes it. I spot a car on the side and presume it's from Lizzie and Scarlett. I don't know what their present for y/n is but I will just had to wait and see when y/n opens them all. Breaking me from my thought, I go to reach for the next present when I spot we're finished. I reach over and grab my present for y/n. The promise ring has a short message on the inside. Scarlett smiles and grabs the last bit of wrapping paper, even though it's already in a bag, we have to wrap it just for a bit of fun.

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