First ever pancake

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Your POV:

As we all finished our Chinese I noticed that Leah kept looking up at me. Her eyes were drooping closed, I know she wants to sleep, but probably doesn't want to ask. I finish my food and see Scarlett wasn't done with her food bag, I still feel bad, it's takes so long for it to finish at dinner time. It seems as though she's got used it now though, which I'm glad. But it supposed to be changed soon, a couple days after my birthday all four of us are travelling out to LA.

I grab my phone and text Scarlett under the table asking if it's okay that I take Leah to bed, not wanting to upset her. I try to be as discrete as possible. A couple minutes later Scarlett checks her phone and looks up to Leah, clearly checking if she's okay, she must have seen how tired she is as she looks back over to me and nods her head yes. I take Leah's hand and type on my phone before showing it to her. It says 'you can head to bed, want me to come with you?' She just turns to me and nods her head.

"Thank you for the food, I'm quite tired. If you don't mind I think I'm going to head to sleep." Leah's whispers as she stands up and makes her way behind the chair she was sat on and tucks it in under the table.

Both Lizzie and Scarlett nod, I follow Leah wanting to make sure she is okay for the night. As we go into the bathroom, I show her the toothbrush and toothpaste, and allow her to get ready for bed. As she makes her way back in I offer her my hoodie for bed which she agrees and just strips right in front of me. I have to admit I wasn't expecting that but I'm not going to complain.

Once she was in my hoodie and a pair of baggy shorts she gets into her bed and I walk over giving her a light kiss. She smiles and breaks away.

"Thank you y/n you have no idea how much this means to me." I can't help but feel my heart clench.

"Good night." My phone plays before I walk out and turn her light off on my way out the door.

As I make my way downstairs, not ready to sleep quite yet I find Scarlett and Lizzie on the sofa, making out yet again. Decking to get a laugh out of it I grab my phone and change the voice to Roberts and type 'this is rather inappropriate' in all caps. I turn the volume of my phone up and press play not wanting to see this any more.

"THIS IS RATHER INAPPROPRIATE" my phone announces causing both Scarlett sons Lizzie to jump off the sofa, rolling down on the floor with a thud. I can't help but laugh, doubling over at their reaction.

"Hey now was that needed hmm?" Lizzie asks as she scrambles up off the floor.

Scarlett soon to follow we all sit down on the sofa, me in the middle resting my head against Scarlett's shoulder. It feels so safe to be sat in between them both. We soon start to have a light chat about a lot of different things, ranging from Leah, LA, school and a bit more. However the subject quickly changes to my birthday. I hadn't really realised it was so soon.

"What would you like?" Scarlett asks me as she has her phone notes app out.

"I'm not sure I've got everything." My phone says as I have everything I could ever need.

"Hmm, do you have an actual suitcase, one that isn't broken but of my wife?" Lizzie asks smirking. I think for a moment remembering my suitcase doesn't work anymore.

"I do not have a working suitcase. But neither does Leah, she will just have a bin bag." My phone explains for me.

"Oh okay, we'll what about clothes? Would you like some more clothes?" I mean they did buy me a lot of clothes when I first moved here but I have grown out of a few. And I might need a new pair of trainers.

"Erm actually thinking about it, I may have grown out of some of my clothes, and may need a new pair of shoes at some point." I type realising that I could ask for that instead.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now