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Your POV:

The car slowly comes to a stop, I peered out my window only to see a large house but there was someone walking out of the home. I turned my head to look out of the other window to see an even larger house that was surrounded by a brick wall that had a gate in the middle, which had a sign on saying 'rent'.

"Come on girls out we get." Me and Leah made our way out of the truck and I inspect the home, it had a rather old stone like look to it.

I take Leah's hand and pull her away from the car, following mama towards the door. As she unlocks the door I walk in and it has this almost cottage like feel, but it's still very modern of course. We all split of into pairs as we look around the house.

Time skip~

Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie went to look around the house, I have to admit to one of the better houses that's been rented. I was surprised that Marvel willingly paid for the four of us, I was sort of expecting them to only pay enough for me and Lizzie. After looking at the house for a while and finding all the plates and washing machines and all we made our way to the main bedroom. We've left our bags in the truck, no one willing to go out and get them. As I'm laid on the bed I look to the bathroom door to Lizzie stood with her pyjamas on clearly wanting to be comfortable. I also notice the bottle she has in her hand.

"Babe, I want to give you a massage please," I have to admit I'm kind of confused, we never do stuff like this. Not to mind not in our own home.

"Please babe, I'll lock the bedroom door." Sighing I nod my head, knowing a massage would feel nice.

Lizzie goes straight to the bedroom door and turns the lock underneath the door, ensuring it is locked stopping the girls from accidentally walk img in. Lizzie takes my hand, pulling me off the bed. She moves the bed sheet and places it on the side of the bed so it doesn't get in the who, then a pillow is also moved just below the rest of the pillows. She places the massage oils on the bedside table and turns towards me.

Lizzie saunters over and pulls me into a tighter hug, I love the way it feels to be surrounded by her. After a couple of minutes she pulls away and pulls lightly at my shirt. I nod my head, she carefully pulls the shirt over my head leaving me in just a bra.

"Do you want to take your bra off here honey or you can lay down and then take it off?" Lizzie asks with such care and softness in her voice.

"I can take it off here." I mumble as I undo my bra letting it fall down and off my shoulders, causing it to land on the floor.

Lizzie kisses my forehead delicately before taking my hand and guiding me over to the bed. I lay in the centre of the bed, resting my head on the pillow with my head titled to the side. I look to Lizzie and watch as she takes her phone and a speaker I had no idea she had brought. She plays some soft relaxing music, before taking the bottle of oil and pouting some onto her hands. She rubs her hands together clearly trying to warm the oils up.

Once she is happy she climbs onto the bed and straddles me, just below my ass. She kisses me shoulder before she puts her hands on the top of my shoulders massaging the oils into them. She then works her way down my left shoulder, down my arm. The oils being worked into my skin, the muscles relaxing as I let the tension leave my body. She then starts at the top of my shoulders again before working her way down my right arm, working the oils in again.  I can't help but let out little moans whenever Lizzie touches the right spots.

Lizzie then pours some more oil, straight from the bottle this time so it is slightly cold to the skin onto my back. The oils is worked into my skin again from my lower back, where Lizzie had pulled my leggings down to reveal just before my bum. She starts from there and works her hands all the way up my spine whilst massaging my sides along the way to the top of my neck. I can't help the loud moan that comes out of my mouth as she releases a knot near the nape of my neck, no doubt from driving the truck and flying. After a while Lizzie quickly goes into the en-suite before coming back in, I tilt my head in question but smile when I see a towel. She lays the towel, down just beside my body before indicating for me to roll over onto it.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now