An idea

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Your POV:

As we let go of the hug and sit back down Scarlett gives me an appreciative look which I brush off.

The chatter emerges again as we wait for the waiter to come with our food. The chatter was more focused on the new movie, I'm not sure  what's going to happen to me when Scarlett and Lizzie are both filming. I'm sure I'll be okay. Maybe they'll leave me at home and I can look after myself, meaning I won't cause any issues.

The food is delivered by the a group of waiters and is served. I was given a small plate of garlic bread with my spaghetti, I noticed that m- Scarlett had no food in front of her, she looked kind of sad. Even though she couldn't eat it I decided that maybe she just felt left out so I took my plate of garlic bread and placed it in the designated space on the table for a plate in front of her.

She looked up at me and did her iconic eyebrow raise, so I took my phone and typed out 'now you have a plate to' and showed it to her. She smiled wide at me before gently taking my phone and showed it to Lizzie who had a confused look at first but quickly smiled as she read the explanation.

"Thank you honey it's really sweet." I nod my head softly at the woman next to me smile as I take back my phone from Lizzie.

Everyone continues to chat and eat their food. The boys end up talking about the new Star Wars movie which is kind of ironic I think but everyone seems to be unaware.

Florence and Brie are talking about their new movies which are being released soon. Florence had also mentioned her cooking with Flo which I'm not entirely sure what it is but she seemed really sad to end it.

Cobie was talking with Scarlett and ma- Lizzie about the new movie which they all seemed rather excited. There was a short conversation on how Scarlett was doing, which I could tell made her a little nervous but she seemed okay. Cobie also noticed so she changed the conversation.

Lizzie was occasionally joining the conversation but I could tell she wasn't sure, I decided to warn Scarlett so I gently poked her arm. When she looked at me I subtly glanced at Lizzie's hands as she was playing with her rings, which she does when she is anxious.

Scarlett instantly understands and places her hand on top of Lizzie's whilst including her into the conversation. The way Lizzie's smile automatically widened and suddenly not so fake anymore made me smile.

I decided to listen to the conversation as I was getting bored. They were talking about school and everything, I don't want to. But I know I need special school, Lizzie said I could learn to speak and to also write, like with a pen and everything.

"Yeah we have a meeting soon with someone who might be able to help her." Uh oh that's really soon.

"She's mid-twenties and usually works with kids like y/n who struggle with literacy. Me and Scarlett have picked her and had a meeting over FaceTime already but we are currently planing a time for y/n to meet her. If y/n doesn't like her then we will just keep looking." Lizzie said joining the conversation with a bit more confidence.

I'm really surprised how nervous Lizzie is with her friends, she's definitely and introvert, but I can tell she doesn't like public settings.

By now most people have finished their food so everyone is just chatting, I noticed that Scarlett had also finished and had packed away everything, rather discretely may I add.

"Hey why don't we head over to Scarlett's house?" Jeremy says rather loudly causing the whole table to turn to him then to Lizzie and Scarlett.

Scarlett looked at Lizzie who subtly nodded her head, so Scarlett did too. The debate as to who paid the bill started shortly which then ended with Robert paying for the entire bill.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now