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Scarlett's POV:

"Hey guys, it's nice to see you all. This is y/n, she's just going to sit in the corner if you don't mind." Lizzie says as she guides y/n over to a chair in the corner. Y/n instantly puts her headphones in and tunes us out.

"Hey Scar how are you?" Chris asks as he stands up and gives me a big hug. Everyone seems to be waiting for my answer.

"I'm erm I'm good thanks." I look over to the Russo brothers and Kevin, they seem to be paying a rather large amount of attention to my face, no doubt the tube that's taped to it.

I shuffle and keep my gaze down, as me and Lizzie make our way to the last pair of seats left. I finally take a look at the cast and see Chris Evans, Florence Pugh, RDJ, Jeremy Renner, Cobie Smoulders and Brie Larson. They are all good friends of mine but I'm not sure what they are going to think of me now?

I fiddle with my fingers as we all stay seated. They meeting begins and they start to talk about the plan for the movie which I think it has a cool concept. But it well it's quit reliant on me, and I love the amount of screen time but I don't know if they will want me to do the job now. I don't want to get my hopes up if I'm honest. I'm quickly interrupted from my thoughts when I feel a nudge.

"Sorry could you start again?"

"Yes, Scarlett as the movie is about you and Elizabeth. And that she tries to find a way to bring you back, we need to know that your both going to be available for the next year. Elizabeth has said so we just need to know if you are." Kevin says, clearly a bit annoyed I wasn't paying attention.

"Yes I am available." I shortly reply back.

"Great, we also need to talk about your health." And there it is. Exactly what I was waiting for. I knew it was going to come up, but I wasn't expecting it to be in front of everyone but oh well.

"Well erm any questions you can ask." I reply, I'm trying to show that I'm not afraid to speak about it because I'm not ill anymore.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am," I reply with a small amount of anger laced in my voice. Lizzie places her hand on my knee as a way of comforting me.

"Okay, we have a few. Firstly we need to know if you are going to be healthy enough for stunt work?" I nod my head.

"Yes I can do most stunts, just not ones with me landing on my chest for the next two months, I still have some small healing."

"Well shuffle the time table around so all stunts are later. Secondly we understand it may make you uncomfortable but well, is the feeding tube due to eating issues or to do with the accident." And there it is. Everyone's heads snap towards mine, as they all stare at me with a tight focus.

"The feeding tube is due to the accident. My digestive system is not used to having the food pass though, so the feeding tube allows it to do some of the work." I shuffle in my seat as I reply to Kevin who seems to be taking the lead in the investigation of my health.

"Right, can it be removed? Because I'm afraid you can have it whilst filming." I look to Lizzie and Chris who give me sympathetic smiles.

"It well it can be removed, well only by Lizzie. But I do need it for food." I shrug trying not to show my nerves.

"Mhm. We would like for you get a doctors note informing us you are clear for going back to work." He says sternly telling me it's important.

I nod my head and look away as I keep my head down. Finding the floor a lot more interesting. Kevin seems to be done with his investigations and moves onto the filming and when it will be filmed. Which is rather soon, it's supposed to be in a couple of weeks. I listen in, but occasionally look back at y/n who is rather occupied with her iPad.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now