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Scarlett's POV:

It's been a few days since y/n's birthday and we are all packing up a few suitcases for our flight later this evening. Luckily y/n's school is able to be all online and Leah is going to be doing a few online courses which will be great experience for her.

We decided that we would all have one large suitcase and a small one as well as a rucksack, this way we should all have enough space to bring everything we need. We're going to be staying for three to six months depending on how much they want done.

Right now me and lizzie are in our bedroom packing up the last few bits of clothing and toiletries before we go to check on y/n and Leah. I can hear what I presume is a radio playing in Leah's room, walking inside we see y/n and Leah dancing around as they pack their bags. The size difference is clothes is rather funny, Leah is quite tall whereas y/n is average height if not short.

"Sorry girls are we interrupting something?" As soon as I spoke the pair of them jumped in the air startled as their own little bubble has been popped.

"No it's alright, it was just so quiet so we though some music was a good idea." Lizzie nods her head as she makes her way over to see the suitcases laid on the floor and on Leah's bed.

"Girls you know we're going for a few months, your don't need to pack so light you have all this bag space." Lizzie point, I only know noticed how little is in each bag. They are definitely packing light.

"Okay how about this, why don't I help Leah and Scar you can help y/n." We all nod, me and y/n go to the other side of the room where there seems to be a pile of y/n's clothes.

I look inside and see there is basically a week maybe two worth of clothes, she definitely could do with some ore clothes. We start by grabbing all of the underwear and bras, and neatly putting them into one corner. Then I grab the shorts she has and roll each pair of shorts up tightly before putting them next to the underwear. We also put in a few swimming costumes, there is one bikini but I don't know if she will use it. We move on the socks which are next, even though I'm not sure how many pairs of socks she will really need. Then I grab all the short sleeved shirts she had already and fold them neatly before placing them into the suitcase. I noticed there is nowhere near enough.

Me and y/n make our way into her room, where she takes ten more shirts and brings them back into Leah's room. We fold and place them all into her suitcase, which now has more reasonable amount of shirts for a few months. Then I grab her pyjamas and see there is only a few sets of pyjamas, along with what is obviously some of Leah's shirts that are paired with y/n's Se have obviously been borrowed from Leah which I think is adorable, but I notice those aren't the only shirts she's borrowed. I spot one of my old shirts, and what I'm pretty sure is one of Lizzie's old shirts too. I can't help but smile at the fact she likes to wear our clothes I decide not to mention anything and I am sure her and Leah will end up sharing and all sorts.

I look around trying to find where her shoes she's wanting to bring are, but when I ask she just says that she is going to where them, yeah no. Again we make our way into her room and y/n grabs two pairs of sandals, two pairs of smart trainers and and one pair of smart shoes, she will wear her comfy ones on the flight.

After agreeing on the shoe collection we again make pour way into Leah's room, we pack the shoes in strategically. Once her shoes are in we have finally filled up the first suitcase which is the large one, except for toiletries space. We have the small suitcase left, taking the long sleeve shirts I look through them all and know that she might need a couple more if the weather gets a bit colder I look through the pile in front of us and grab a couple before folding them all and placing them into her small suitcase.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now