Newfound hope

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Lizzie's POV:

The waiting room is dead silent, the whole world seems to be going in slow motion. I feel sick, she has to be okay I need her. My eyes are burning red, there are no more tears left to cry, I'm trying to control myself but can't seem to gather myself.

I should really notify everybody, I search my pockets and take out my phone. I begin to notify all of the cast and director, then start the family call. This is going to be so hard to do. I go onto contacts and find hunter, I press dial and wait for it to answer.

"Hello?" He says groggily.

"H-hunter i-it's me Lizzie." I say trying my hardest not to cry over the phone.

"Lizzie what's wrong?" He coined concerned.

"U-umm, I-I... scarlett." I stutter as I starts to cry, newfound tears falling down my cheeks.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Panic laced over the phone.

"N-no, s-s-she was s-shot. We're a-at Lenox Hill h-hospital. P-please come." I hear shuffling down the phone as I presume he is leaving the house.

We say our goodbye and I should see him relatively soon. I need to call her mother. Oh god. I click on Melanie's number and call her too, i rings, and just when I think she didn't pick up she answers.

"Hello, Elizabeth, you are aware it's 4am." She groans over the phone.

"Y-yes m-ma'am. Umm I-I need you t-to c-come to L-Lenox Hill hospital, p-p-please." I just manage as I continue to cry.

"Why? Who's hurt?" She says sounding much more awake and alert.

"U-umm S-Scarlett... s-sorry." I sputter out as my hands shake while holding the phone.

"I'm on my way, with some of her siblings and father." And she hangs up the phone.

I sit back and rest my head against the wall. I've been waiting for nearly six hours and still nothing. Im terrified, what if something happens? I love her so much, I can't lose her. We were trying to save the girl. I need her, she's my rock.

Another hour or so has passed and Scarlett's family have all arrived, we are sat in the waiting room waiting for an update. Melanie has a tight hold on me, hugging me as we comfort each other. I don't know how much longer I can wait, I need an update. I need something. Suddenly a nurse walks over to me.

"Family of Scarlett Johansson?" We all nod our heads.

"Okay, which one is the spouse?" She asks. I look and and wave, I can't rely on my voice right now.

"If you could follow me to a private consultation area." That's not good, oh no, please no. I stand up as my legs and hands shake in fear. We walk down a corridor and into a private office. I sit in a chair that is opposite her desk.

"Ma'am, your wife was shot in the stomach, there was severe damage done to her liver, small intestine, small bowel and her abdomen." She pauses and lets me take in the news.

"We cannot fix all damage done at once, so we have to fix the vital injuries which may cause the most issues first, then we can move on to the next one. She is currently in surgery right now having the bullet removed and her liver repaired at the same time, that is the most important thing right now. Once the surgery is completed we will need to evaluate and see what is needed next." I nod my head as I rest it in my hands. This can't be happening.

"I'm very sorry, this is a difficult position to be in. Would you like to tell your family or I am able to." I raise my head from my hands and look up.

"Mhm u-u-umm c-c-can y-you." I stutter.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now