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Your POV:

We had just ran away, I couldn't tell if the bullet hit anyone. I really hope it didn't. Oh god what if it did, I could never forgive myself. I'm currently being dragged by Bosses guy, we are running away, but all I want to do is run back to see if they are okay. We enter an abandoned building, I presume it's where he is working from, god I just wanna go.

He pulls me through the entrance and up some stairs, we climb four or five flights of stairs before we walk into a hallway, down a corridor and to the end of the building. We stop at the last room and he pushes the door open, clearly he didn't lock it before. He drags me into the bathroom and throws me inside. The door is slammed shut, I hear him lock the door. Just perfect, I am stuck locked in a bathroom.

I look around, there's almost no space in here at all, it's rather crowded. I have no idea how long I am going to be here for, I should probably find a comfortable place to sit. At least I can use the bathroom and there is access to water. I climb into the bath tub and stay in there.

Detective Voight's POV:

The case we are working on at the minute, is a possible child abduction. Usually we wouldn't handle cases like this, but due to the past of the child and possible issues that could follow through we have been handed this case.

Something isn't adding up, I mean whoever took the child has to know the child as they knew where the kid was staying. You don't just randomly walk down to a bus graveyard, they were looking for her. Another thing I'm confused about is after the kid ran away from the system, she completely disappeared, no trace. Even though she is being paid, it's in cash, but I don't think it goes to her.

And now Mrs Johansson has been injured, I can't help but think the two are related, they must be there is no way they are just coincidences. After reading the statement from Mrs Olsen, I think that we need to find the man and woman who they confronted at the park.

I have my technology agent trying to find open, or abandoned apartment compounds. So we are filtering through, we currently have four apartments, that are abandoned and we are hoping they are in one of the apartment.

I have two officers going around to each of the apartments to see if we could get lucky. They are currently driving up to the third one, I hope we can find them, they might lead us to the missing child.

We're all stood in the office, with the radio on the table waiting on an update, or news. Upton and Lindsay are pretty invested in this case, usually I don't like it when my detectives get invested in a case but I'm letting it slide this once. The whole intelligence Unit are pretty invested actually.

It's been half an hour and the officers are currently in the building walking up to the apartment, it's right at the end of the hallway so if we find them they won't be able to run at all. The officers on the ground have gone radio silent, to stop them from giving away any hints that officers are outside the apartment.

Third Person POV:

The officers outside of the apartment are all stood, guns drawn. The detective leading the scene, detective Halstead is waiting to give the mark.

His hand is raised in a fist elbow bent aimed at the sky. He takes a deep breath before abruptly straightening his arm forward with his hand straightening to signal moving in. They all file through the corridor and into the apartment.

"NYPD, hands in the air. Come out with your hands in the air!" He shouts as he immediately sees a man holding a gun sat in the living room.

"No can do, other wise the other woman becomes a target." He says calmly smirking.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now