The best gift

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Your POV:

I'm sat in front of all my presents, I can't believe how many there are and how big they re too. I shuffle slightly and look at them all. Deciding to go from left to right I grab the first present on the left and pry it open.

I continue to open all of my presents, leaving the ones with a different wrapping. Those are the special ones from close family. I am super excited to see what they have got me. I pick up one looking at the two adults with a questioning look, asking who it's from.

"That is from my mum and dad," Scarlett says with a soft smile. I carefully open the present, to find a picture book. I open the book to find the first picture, me and Scarlett in hospital. Scarlett is unconscious with all the tubes and I'm laid by her side holding her hand. We all have such wide smiles on our faces, there is no way we were faking it. The third picture is of Lizzie and Scarlett, they're holding what seems to be documents. I turn to look at the pair, as if they read my mind they both nod their heads silently agreeing that it was my fostering documentation. There are another thirty more photos all with similar meanings and importance. There are a couple
of photos of me and Leah too, I know they must have had help from Lizzie and Scarlett.

"Wow," my phone says for me. I stand up and show the other three all the pictures, I have to admit quite a few are of Scarlett in the hospital with me holding on tight.

After looking through the pictures for a while longer I place it carefully down and turn my attention to the next present. I pick it up and give the pair the same questioning look.

"This is from Mary-Kate and Ashley." Lizzie says smiling, she clearly knows what is it. I open it up to see colouring books and pencils, not just any colouring books, they're marvel, specifically black widow and Scarlett witch. I can't help but laugh, I turn them around and show them both, Scarlett immediately groans as Lizzie softly chuckles knowing how much Scarlett hates her own merchandise.

I continue to open the rest of my presents, until it's just so left. One from Lizzie and Scarlett and one from Leah. I decide to open Lizzie and Scarlett's first, I take the rectangular box and start to open it. I see there's two parts I take the first box and see a pen on the front. I look up to Lizzie and give a questioning look.

Deciding I want to see what it is I open it up to see a pen, it has hand indents showing you where your fingers are meant to be when holding the pen. I can feel tears well up in my eyes as I reach for the second present, it's a book that has all of the letters and how to write them. I can learn how to write!

I leap up and jump into their arms, surprised by the hug the three of us fall back onto the sofa. I snuggle into their arms tightly. I relax into their hold, I am so happy I can start to learn to write. After what seems like only seconds we release the hug and I find my way back on the chair I was sitting on.

I grab the last remaining present, knowing it was from Leah. It's a small box with a bow wrapped around it. I untie the bow, and open the box only to see a beautiful ring. It's absolutely perfect, I love it. On the inside it reads 'I promise' I look over to Leah with a questioning look.

"I promise to always love and protect you." I can feel my heart flutter at her words, making me slip the ring onto my index finger, seeing it fits perfectly. I jump up out of my seat and hug Leah as tight as possible.

She chuckles softly but I just ignore and hold her even tighter not wanting to let go. This is best present anyone has ever given me, and with so much meaning too. I loosen my grip after a while as I feel Leah rubbing my back softly in a comforting way. As I eventually let go I lean back looking up at her, I lean up and kiss her forehead in thanks.

Our moment is broken by an awkward cough making me remember that we aren't alone. I jump slightly and sheepishly smile at Lizzie and Scarlett.

"Okay, we do actually have one more gift. But we totally understand if you don't want it." I give them a confused look. I have no clue why I wouldn't want a gift from them.

"I'm going to go and get it, you keep your eyes closed." Lizzie instructs, I follow her request and close my eyes and cover them with my hand.

I hear shuffling around, like feet padding on the floor, then a draw seems to open from what I think is the office? I wonder why it was in the office. My thoughts are broken by Scarlett.

"Okay y/n open your eyes." My eyes gradually open, adjusting to the light.

I look on the floor at my knees to see a small A4 sized box, it's the same size box paperwork is put in. I take the box and bring it so it's resting on my knees. I lift the front of it to see it's a certificate. As I read it I can feel the tears begin to well. The certificate reads 'Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson are the official parents of Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n' my head shoots up in surprise. I can't believe this. I give a look asking if it's true.

"If it's okay with you, we would like to be your moms, if not then it's okay, we'll work something out..." before Scarlett even finish her sentence I leap up to the pair and hold them tight. My arms wrapped around their necks wanting to be as  close as possible.

I cry in happiness before frantically nodding my head I search for my phone wanting to reply. I finally reach it and quickly reply.

"I would love to." My phone reads out, however not fitting the feeling of the room with the rather monotone and robotic voice.

I feel a third pair of hands rubbing my back, I can tell it's Leah's at both Scarlett and Lizzie were either holding my head or shoulders. We stay like this for a few more minutes before eventually pulling away.

"What do I call you?" I ask with my phone wondering if what they would prefer.

"How about this you can call me mom, and then I know Scarlett would like to be called mama if that's okay with you?" I smile wide that they want me to call them my moms, actually, like they do want me. I nod frantically smiling. Deciding to test it I turn to Leah before back them both with a massive smile, whilst getting my phone and typing away.

"Mom, mama can we watch a movie?" My phone asks for me. I watch for their reaction, which doesn't disappoint as they both freeze, stood in place. I turn to Leah and shrug, but before I could do anything else I'm grabbed by my hips and lifted into the air by Scarlett, she twirls us around before lower8mg me back or the ground. Her and li-mom hug me tight for a final time.

We make our way to the movie room and all settle together, mom and mama are sat on either end of the s9fa whilst me and Leah are sat in the middle hugging each other. It's rather comforting to be surrounded by the three people who really care about you. We watch a large amount of movies before everyone starts to fall to sleep, completely ignoring the fact it was this middle of the day.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now