Two faced

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Your POV:

It's been two weeks since Elizabeth and Scarlett forgetting us and I have to admit, they have been trying their hardest. Both them have been spending a lot more time with us and they haven't gone out with their friends at all and I kind of feel bad. And on top of that I know they haven't spent any time together just them so I was thinking we could set something up for them to spend some time alone.

I think if we set them up at maybe a picnic and then they could have the house alone for a few hours it would do the trick, I know we don't want to be in the house at the same time that's for sure. I haven't told Leah of my idea yet but she's still mad at them both. She has been ignoring them or rolling her eyes. But I think we need to let it go, they are trying their best. She needs to just let it go now.

Me and Leah are sat playing uno right now as Elizabeth and Scarlett are making dinner. I am winning as usual but I think I might bring up the idea.

"Hey Leah could I talk to you about something?" She gives me a questionable look before nodding her head.

"Well I want to set up a date for Elizabeth and Scarlett, maybe a picnic and some time alone in the house. What do you think?" Her face changes into something of anger, why is she angry?

"Why? Why would you do that? They don't deserve anything from you." Wow I had no idea she truly felt that way, I mean I know she was upset but she really is not happy.

"They've apologised and have spent the past two weeks showing it. They deserve some time alone, no need to hold a grudge just let it go." At this her face turns red in anger, I've never seen her this angry before.

She throws the cards all over the bed we're sitting on, she begins to shout at me, calling me a pushover, pointing her finger at me aggressively. Slowly back away until I hit the headboard of the bed, my back pushes up flat against it. I try to move impossibly further away but she just moves foreword, fear begins to form in me. I've never seen her like this before, as she's shouting I suddenly feel a sharp impact on my cheek causing my head to snap to the side.

My eyes snap open wide, did she she just slap me? Oh god she just hit me. Tears well in my eyes and I don't know what to do, she did not just hit me. I'm frozen in my seat not knowing what to do, do I move away? What if she gets angrier? She keeps yelling at me, clearly not bothered by the fact she hit me. I need my mama, where is she I want my mom? I bring my legs up to my chest and bury my head trying to protect myself like I used to.

My head however I grabbed on harshly as it's pulled up, I can tell the Leah I'm looking at is not the same Leah I know. There is fire in her eyes. The grip on my jaw is becoming tighter by the second, I need to get out. Why is she so angry? I don't understand I just wanted to do something nice for them. Next thing I know her her hand moves from my jaw down to my neck, now I'm in trouble. I need to get help, I know my mama and mom are sat in the living room which is the either end of the house, they probably haven't heard the yelling. I need to make a bang or a loud noise.

I begin to search around the room to make a loud bang, when I notice wardrobe isn't attached to the wall and is near my feet. I begin to kick the wardrobe desperate to make a noise, I can feel the air leaving my lungs as she grip's tighter. The wardrobe begins to sway back and forth, I give it as hard of a kick that I can and it sways one way before it sways the other way and finally falls.

The bang it makes as it hits the ground is deafening, I can hear some shouting and footsteps, but Leah keeps her grip, clearly either unaware of the bang or ignoring it. No air is entering my lungs and I'm gasping for air, my eyes are trained on the door waiting for someone to walk in.

Thankfully Lizzie comes storming in with Scarlett following quickly behind, both their eyes widen as they realise what happening. Lizzie jumps in and pulls Leah off me, as soon as her hands leave my throat I take in a gasp of in relief. Scarlett comes running up to me and rubs my back, helping me get the air back in my lungs. Lizzie is dealing with a very angry Leah who is being pushed out of the room. I can see Scarlett has her phone out and has 911 on call, but I can't hear anything, it's all gone silent. I can see she's talking as her mouth is moving as she is speaking.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now