Scarlett's view

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Scarlett's POV:

I wake up the next morning, I look over to see Lizzie staring at me with a hand on my chest. I grab her chin and tilt it up, I laugh softly as she looks at me with surprise.

I lace my hand into hers and smile at her, taking it all in. I genuinely can't believe I was gone for a month. Was I still working on the movie? Does the public know? I hope not.

Lizzie moves her hand so it's trailing up and down my face, starting from my forehead, down the bridge of my nose, down to my lips, over to my chin before following the side of my face back round to my forehead. She continues the soothing motion as I relax into her hold.

After a while my mind slowly went to y/n, oh god. Was she safe? Did they find her? Does she know? Where is she? I know I have to ask so I decided to ask her.

"Elizabeth w-what's the update mhm on y/n have t-they found her? Is s-she okay?" I feel her tense at the mention of her, that doesn't mean anything good.

"Well babe, she was erm she was found and is safe." Wait what? Why isn't she here with us.

"Wa-ait what? Where i-is she?" I ask keeping my eyes locked.

"Well she erm I guess you'll know eventually. Do you remember what happened the night you were shot?" I nod my head, there was a man and woman, the man shot me. I think it was the man.

"Well erm they have caught the man, and erm the woman you see was a erm child and erm well we found out who the child was, it was y/n." I froze, s-she pointed a gun a-at m-me?

"Now you need to understand, she had no choice, she was kidnapped, you were right. It was by a man who in what he claimed as ownership of her. You must know she had tried to make up for it. But would only find out once you were awake." Wait if she was waiting till I woke why isn't she here?

"H-how?" I need to know.

"Well when you needed a final surgery, you had a double, which is both done at the same time and for that you need some blood, for a transfusion, but there wasn't enough in the blood bank. So we had all tested to see if we qualified to donate some blood, specifically for you.

But erm y/n has a massive fear of needles bless her, but she did it anyway. And when the results came in well she was the only one that matched. She spent five days for about an hour with a needle in her arm, donating blood. She even started eating properly, she ate at least three meals, I could tell she struggled, but the doctor refused to let her donate if she didn't eat. So she ate to be able to donate her blood for you. I understand if you don't want to forgive her but you should just know that.

And as for now well she was taken by social services and erm is in an orphanage, with a man called Dave. That's all I know." I was shocked, she did all of that for me. I am ever grateful, I know I can trust her. It wasn't her fault, but she was still trying to make up for it.

I look up and see Lizzie looking up at me with hopeful eyes, there's something she's not telling me. I can tell, she's nervous, because she's picking at her nails.

A couple of minutes later and a doctor walks in, she looks up and smiles wide, who are they?

"Hello, Mrs Johansson I am your main doctor. I am very glad to see you awake. Now I just want to go over a few bits, I will allow you to go home if you don't do any type of exercise, apart from walking and I need your wife to help you shower and also to clean the area around the stitches. The stitches on each site cannot get wet." Wait more than one?

"Erm s-sorry just quick h-how m-many err s-s-scars am I l-left with?"I ask with a stutter, I hope not many maybe one or two.

"Well you will have six. One from the bullet, two from your liver, and one from the small intestine, one from small bowel, and one from abdomen. There are a couple of larger scars but they are all on your stomach and chest area." I nod in reply. I am going to look disgusting, no one is going to want to look at me.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now