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Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie were in the library currently making out whilst we could. I'm pretty sure, no I know that Leah and y/n are doing the exact same.

Lizzie is currently on top of me as she swipes her tongue over my bottom lip, asking for access to my mouth. Deciding to tease her I deny her access and continue to kiss her. This however didn't last as her hand moved from my hip to my ass. She grabbed my ass hard and began to squeeze and grope it, causing me to let out a guttural moan. This allows her access as she shoves her tongue into my mouth. Her tongues moves deep into my mouth, nearly down my throat.

We continue to make out, acting like horny teenagers. When Lizzie's hands move away from my ass and to my waist, she grabs my sides before allowing them to move to my breasts, which are still dressed in a bra and shirt. Both her hands grab my breast and she begins to massage them, causing a rather loud moan to leave my mouth. Lizzie takes my shirt and lifts it over my head, leaving me in my bra. She kisses my chest and smiles.

"Such pretty boobs!" I can't help but laugh at her excitement, but my laughter is cut short when I moan again.

My back arches up and grinds into Lizzie asking for more. I can hear Lizzie chuckle at how desperate I am. She sits up and pulls off her shirt, allowing me to see her bra, it's a black lacy bra, which she looks amazing in. She begins her assault on my neck as she kisses and sucks on my neck, no doubt leaving hickeys. My head tilts slightly to the side giving her more access. As she's kissing my neck I can't help but grasp onto her back.

Lizzie decides to take it a step further and shuffles her hands so they are behind my back, she unbuckles my bra strap, allowing it to slack at the front. With one hand she pulls off my bra, whilst she momentarily pauses on kissing my neck. Lizzie's gaze locks onto mine as we stare into each others eyes. I can see there's lust and almost excitement in her eyes. The locked gaze causes me to blush hard, I can feel my cheeks hearing up as they turn a bright red.

Lizzie leans back and takes off her own bra, letting it slide off their shoulders, before throwing it across the room somewhere with mine. She goes in for a hard and passionate kiss, almost bruising. Her tongue forces it's way into my mouth and deep into my throat. As we continue to kiss passionately her hands wander down to my trousers. She undoes the buttons and zip, so I move my hands from her back and do the same.

She sharply pulls away from the kiss and takes off my trousers leaving me in my panties. Her hand loving rubs the side of my face, I lean into her touch annoying the comfort it provides. Lizzie leans away and climbs off the bed, she takes off her trousers and panties, before walking to the desk in the corner . She takes three things out the box and smirks at me before hiding them behind her back so I can't see them, but I'm more focused on watching her as she walks back completely naked. It's an amazing view. When she arrives at the large bed like sofa I try and see what she has but she doesn't let up and places them on the stool on the end of our bed so I can't see them.

Lizzie climbs back on and kisses me hard before pulling away. Her hand roams down to in between my legs, she rubs the inside of my thigh causing my whole body to shiver at the contact.

"Make I take these off?" She asks seductively whilst pulling at my panties.

I nod my head and lift my hips ever so slightly allowing her to pull them off. She throws them somewhere in the room without even liking at to where they went. Her hand moves to my centre as she begins to rub my clit, the feeling of her cold fingers makes me shiver and moan at the same time. My arms wrap around her back as I hold myself tightly around her. Her other hand is now rubbing circles on the side of my cheek, almost keeping me grounded.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now