Finally clear

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Scarlett's POV:

She just ran out of the room with no explanation at all. Lizzie shouts down the hall but no success. I guess we will see her later? I hope we didn't scare her off. I really want her to stay with us.

Lizzie was shouting out to her, begging her to come back and to talk to us but to no avail. I was laid in bed waiting for a doctor to tell me I can go, I haven't been able to leave the bed yet, due to all of the wires and feeding tube. But I am supposed to be getting bout of here soon. Just as I was thinking about it nurse came in.

"Hi ma'am, I see we need to show you all the details and to do some test before leaving. Why don't I start with testing first?" The nurse offers with a bright smile.

"Erm okay I guess," I say, becoming nervous I won't be allowed to leave.

"Great, first I am going to check your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, BMI and general mobility." She says with a smile. I nod my head in agreement.

She takes out her stethoscope, she lifts up my shirt, placing the stethoscope in different places around my chest. The other end in placed in my ears, the room is an eerie quiet. Slightly awkward to be honest.

Next was blood pressure. She brakes a blood pressure cuff and attaches it to my upper arm, the cuff blows up as air is pumped inside. It starts to squeeze my arm hard applying a decent amount of pressure to my bicep and tricep. The machine beeps declaring it's finished. Air automatically is released from the cuff before the nurse writes down the results.

Once complete she begins to check my breathing. She asks me to hold, take in a breath and release breathes for about five minutes for letting me go saying that she is fine, then writing down the results.

We move onto BMI, I walk up towards the height machine and wait until the nurse writes the correct height before letting me step down, I look on the sheet and see my height is written as '5,3' there is no way I'm that small. Like I am aware I am small but not that short. She then asks me to step on the weighing scales, the unit is changed to kilograms to make calculations easier. I look away not wanting to know the weight I'm currently at. She writes down all of the data and waits for the nurse so we can do the next part.

"Okay Scarlett can you sit up and on the end of the bed." I shuffle around, but eventually pull myself around. She takes out a plastic hammer, she takes one knee which causing it to swing forward. Once done both legs she writes up her report.

"Okay all good!" Right I just need you to stand up and show me you can walk at least twenty steps on your own without supervision.

I'm pretty nervous, I haven't been given a chance to stand up in a long time. I'm already sat at the end of the bed. I shuffle forward, making my feet touch the ground and take the weight of my body through my legs. Lizzie has her hands out in front of me in case I fall. I move further forward until I'm only leaning against the bed. Once I'm down I push forward and stand, I wobble slightly but gather my balance, the nurse moved the tray with all of my wiring and tubes, ready to follow me around as I walk.

This is a lot harder that I though it was going to be, I guess being bed ridden for a month and a half. I look up and smile at Lizzie, she nods her head in motivation, she moves to behind me as I go to take a step, slowly but surely I manage to take twenty steps exactly. As I took more it became easier, the muscle memory kicking in.

I sat back down and smiled wide, I looked up at Lizzie, she has a massive smile back at me. I look down at the floor and blush slightly embarrassed at the proud look on her face.

"Alright then, you've passed it all, just going to have one final clean of your stitches then I will fill you in on everything you need to know about self care. I just need to know, I presume your wife will be your main source of care." Lizzie nods her head and agrees. I feel bad that I have to rely on her like this, I should be able to do this on my own.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now