Broken beyond repair

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Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie have been filming on set and it's been great, we've had quite a relaxed evening, enjoying the company of the cast as we haven't seen each other in a long time. We've all stayed off our phones, not even looking at them as we fill each other in on what we have missed. I am so glad me and Lizzie agreed to a final movie, this is it. The final movie.

We made our way back home, but I feel like we had forgotten something in set but oh well we can pick it up tomorrow. Me and Lizzie ended up falling asleep at around half ten due to travelling and all. We had ended up cuddled asleep enjoying each others company as we slept.

Time skip~

It was morning and I could feel kisses being pressed on the side of my head. I turn my head to meet Lizzie's gaze. We both smile softly before leaning in for a soft and sensual kiss. After a couple of minutes we break apart and both roll out of bed, we both get dressed and ready for set. Today I'm filming quite a heavy amount of stunt work so I'm just going on some jogging bottoms and a hoodie. Lizzie is in a bit of stunt work but she's mostly there for a few other bits and she wanted to watch me.

We both made our way downstairs and it was eerily quiet, I'm not sure why it feels so odd but something just doesn't sit right. Deciding to ignore it I begin to make some scrambled eggs, for breakfast. I make enough for me and Lizzie, but I seem to have a lot more then I should have. Packed my bag and set it by the door so I could grab it before we left.

Lizzie came downstairs, she softly kissed me on the cheek before taking a seat at the dinner table, I finish off the eggs and grab the toast I had made. I plate all the food and bring it over for us both to enjoy. We eat in a comfortable silence but I just can't seem to get it out of my head, something just doesn't feel right.

The breakfast is finished and we grab our coats, ready to leave the house, I grab my bag and open the door. As soon as I open the door my world comes crashing down. Leah and y/n are leant against the wall holding each other as they smell.

"LIZZIE GET HERE NOW!" I shout at the top of my lungs. She bolts towards me wondering what is wrong, but her face changes from fear and confusion to instant regret.

"Oh fuck." Is all she manages to get out as tears brim.

I instantly fall to my knees and begin to gently rub both Leah and y/n's arms. Leah wakes up almost instantly, at first she is slightly disorientated. As soon as she fully wakes up and realises it's me and Lizzie she jolts away from my touch.

"Get away!" She whisper shouts, looking over to y/n to shuffles slightly before leaning on Leah and clutching Leah's shirt. My heart breaks as Leah gives us a look I have never seen before from her.

"You fucking left us. You left your daughter!" She says angrily, her gaze boring into my eyes, making me feel like a complete asshole. We are assholes, we forgot our kids for our friends, we ignored them and completely forgot about them.

"Leah I, I don't know what to say." I mumble with a sorrowful look, making sure to look away from her gaze. She looks over to y/n before licking her up and carrying her into the house, ignoring me and Lizzie. She places her down on her and y/n's bed before joining us in the main room.

"What the hell is wrong with you both. She was so terrified that you had abandoned her she fell asleep after sobbing. But when she fell asleep she had a nightmare that you both left her. That you didn't want her anymore. How on earth could you forget a child that you literally adopted less than a month ago? How careless are you? Then when I called you both for hours in end trying to get to you both you simply didn't pick up. We didn't eat dinner, I had no money for dinner. Then yet again I banged and banged on your door, I had y/n asleep in my arms, tired from walking for three hours home and yet you couldn't even answer the door. Which meant you let your teenage daughter sleep outside the door, whilst I looked after her. However I can only sleep so long I ended up falling asleep at 4am. I could no longer watch out as I fell asleep from exhaustion. Both of you are complete assholes, all she wanted was some parents to look after, watch after her, give her attention. Yet again you out more attention in people you have been talking to for decades over your daughter who just wanted some god damn love!" I Leah shouted, scolding me and Lizzie, I felt a silent sob fall from both me and Lizzie. I felt so ashamed of myself.

"Leah, I'm so sorry, please I have no idea how." Lizzie whispers, her voice trembles. I look over to Lizzie and notice her breathing is pretty shallow and quick.

"Liz babe breath please. Leah I don't know how to make it up to you." I mumble feeling extremely guilty.

"Oh for fuck sake. I don't care if you make it up to me. I'm an adult I can look after myself. Make it up to y/n damnit. Show her your not going to leave her." She shouts, I just realised how much we have failed, we are the ones who have took y/n in we promised to look after her and we haven't.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. No we're sorry." Lizzie mumbles, as tears fall from her eyes.

"No not happening, you don't get to cry. So suck it up, you did this to yourself. I'm going to take my y/n and you can't come in, I don't want you there and neither does y/n." She storms off, not even giving me a chance to reply.

I turn to Lizzie who is trying to cover her tears by wiping them away, but she wasn't fast enough. I scurry over and pull her into a strong deep hug, we list out our emotions as we cry. I can't believe we actually forgot about them, how bad of a parent am I?

Maybe we shouldn't be looking after y/n, we can't even look after her for one day, yet Leah seems to do it at only eighteen years old. I can't help myself as we both make our way to the couch. We both just rest in each others shoulders. Oh no, we have set. We're already late, but we can't miss a whole day. I jump out of my seat causing Lizzie to jump as well.

"Liz we have work." I say getting even more stressed, I start pacing around the room.

"Oh shit, we need to go to work, but we can't leave them now." She says clearly having an internal debate.

"Yeah but we can get in serious trouble if we don't turn up, we need to. Surely they will understand." I say not even convincing myself, let alone Lizzie.

"I guess so." She mutters, we both grab our bags and I write a not saying we have gone to work. We open the door and make our way to the car.

Leah's POV:

I walked back into the bedroom to see y/n curled up holding on tight to the teddy Elizabeth and Scarlett got her. I can't get over the pair, how can they the right to cry about their own behaviour. They caused this. I sit on the bed with y/n and hold her tight, rubbing her back in soothing circles.

After half an hour y/n starts to roll around slightly clearly waking up, I sit up and make sure she is okay. When she opens her eyes and sees me the tears instantly well in her eyes as they become glassy. I pull her into me and she clutches her teddy harder.

"We are at the rental, we were let in. I spoke to Elizabeth and Scarlett and we are going to be staying in this room. They seem to feel bad but I don't trust it right now, my only focus is you." I can tell this has hurt y/n a lot, she's a lot quieter, well you know what I mean.

We decided to have a piece of fruit as we hadn't eaten anything so I made y/n stay in the room whilst I went out and got it for her. I went into the main room, expecting to find Elizabeth and Scarlett but I find a piece of paper. I pick it up and start to read it.

'Leah, y/n. We are going to work as we are needed on set, we should be home at three, sorry.'

That's it, no love you, no have a good day. They truly are assholes. I can't believe them, they haven't even stayed to help fix what they fucking broke. I walk into the kitchen and grab two apples for us to eat.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now