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Warning: SA
Your POV:

The bell ring signifying the end of the school day, I am currently waiting outside for Leah. We should be walking home together, from what I've gathered Leah has a bit of a reputation. I found she is in the football team, the quarterback, cliche right. But she seems to be one that everyone knows.

"Yo, that chick is wearing Leah's jacket!" A boy points over at me causing the rest of his friends to turn around and look at me.

I turn my head away and try to ignore. But I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, my head whips round and to see Leah with a large smile on her face. She lays one arm across my shoulder, guiding me to start walking. We walk out of the school gate and down the path.

"So how was the rest of the day?" I look over and smile, after lunch no one dared to touch me, I guess Leah has that affect. But I am definitely not complying. I give her a thumb up and smile, a real smile, not a fake smile.

As we walk to the bus stop I glance over and take in Leah's features, she's beautiful. She has these almost ocean like eyes, this blonde hair that's so soft, pink lips that aren't too thin or too plump just right.

You see I'm not sure what I am supposed to do, I have work today at five, so I need to get to set, but I'm not really sure if I'm going to make it in time. So I decided, as soon as I get off the bus I am leaving, I have some cleaning stuff I bought from previous money I had saved. It wasn't as good as my old equipment but it will be better than nothing I suppose, and it's all I could afford at the moment.

The bus pulls into the station and we hop on, Leah pays for our ride. We sit in the bus and look out, there is some occasional chatter every now and then, nothing huge. Mostly just me daydreaming. The bus stops, we look and see it's our stop so we jump out and I wave goodbye, I walk the opposite direction as Leah as she waves as well. I start to run to set, trying to make it on time.

As I make it to my last turn I see the security officer, I wave at him and he waves back. I grab the new pass I was given by Lizzie before leaving and walk into the staff area.

Going to the lockers and placing my bags down, I grab my cloves and all my cleaning equipment. Looking at the board I look for my name, that was the one thing I knew how to read. So when I found it I smiled and saw I had trailer cleaning. That's always the best, I get to see all the cast and they are always super nice to me.

When I take the list of trailers to clean I see that Lizzie and Scarlett's isn't on the list, well I though they wouldn't be because neither are staying in it, so it's not really being used.

I make my way over to Florence Pugh's trailer first, I didn't know she was in this movie. Well better get going, I still have my chores to do when I get home. I walk up to the trailer that has her name on the side, knocking on the door I wait for it to be answered. Just as I was about to move on the door opens.

"Hello, ahh cleaning I presume? Wait your a bit young no?" I just nod and show the cleaning products in my hand.

"We'll come on in, it's a bit messy but there are some pancakes if you want any." She says,
I smile softly and nod in reply.

I start by cleaning the bathroom, hoovering the floor and dusting the room. I walk into the kitchen, and tidy up any plates or cutlery. Once done I make my leave and move onto the next one.

Time skip~

I have finished cleaning for the day, so I am my way home. As I am walking back I begin to get into my own world, thinking about everything.

I really like the girls I share a room with, Leah is great, she lets me stay in her bed, although we can't get caught by Dave. Charlotte and Freya are hilarious, honestly the best. I haven't really been able to talk to the other kids much yet to be honey but I'm sure I will. Dave is a bit weird, he makes me feel uncomfortable but I think all men do. The chores are pretty hard, I have no idea how I'm going to be able to do all this when I get back, but I have to.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now