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Your POV:

Its five days later and I am in the middle of my last blood donation, the doctor said I had to write a specific donation document to a specific patient, which allows it only to go to Scarlett, of course then any left over can go to others.

My eating habits have improved so much due this, but it is definitely for Scarlett, because I was warned that if I didn't eat enough I wouldn't be able to help her, and I'm the only one who is able right now. I can't let her down again, I won't let her down again.

Everyone is sat around Scarlett and I, you see once I have finished they are going to take her into surgery, they have said that she needs to have it soon so yeah. I think everybody is a little nervous, okay extremely nervous. Lizzie especially, it's her wife.

I'm nearly finishing the bag, I am also eating an apple at the same time. Just because I felt slightly light headed, but I feel much better now.

Lizzie's POV:

We are all waiting for y/n to be finished so Scar can go into surgery, and I'm so nervous. What if I made the wrong choice and the two single surgeries were the better option, and the doctor was wrong, and after everything that y/n has done for us all. I even got to keep her for an extra three days before the is dropped off an orphanage. I need Scarlett awake so that I can get her opinion on something.

I am so stressed but I'm trying not to show it, I'm not succeeding very well as my hand are shaking like crazy.

Time skip~

It's around lunchtime and y/n has just finished, a nurse is sorting her of whilst there are four nurses around Scarlett's body, preparing her for the double surgery. They have assured us they will try their best, but I don't need their best I need my wife.

"Ma'am we are going to take your wife into surgery now, it will take a whilst both are happening at the same time, it may take a while, the small intestine surgery can take between one to four and the abdominal surgery can take between two to five. So I am going to say between four to seven hours. Four minimum, meaning you all should relax as much as possible." A shirt nurse says as the begin to wheel Scarlett our.

I nod my head and look over to y/n who is still holding onto her hand until she can no longer each, her hand slips out of Scarlett's grasp. The pain in her face is so upsetting it hurts to see her like this. She puts down the cereal bar and I decide to just leave it for now, as I don't want to upset her even more right now.

Tears start well in my eyes, I'm kind of confused on which type of crying I'm feeling right now. I am absolutely terrified that I'm going to lose Scarlett but I am also relieved this should be the last one.

Y/n notices my tears and stands up, she walks over to the chair I'm sat in and climbs onto my lap. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me as tight as possible. I let out a breathe. Wait that is the first time she has initiated physical contact. I squeeze her tight as a thank you. We sit like this for a while, just comfortable in each others arms.

Time skip~

Melanie's POV:

It has been about five hours since they took Scar away, to say I'm nervous is an understatement. Ever since she was born she was always so forgiving and helps others. But I might have to tell her getting shit is not the way.

I love her so much but I just need her back, everyone is so broken at the moment, apart from a couple of her siblings who have to go to work, everyone has stayed to support her. I need her awake now, the public have noticed that neither Scarlett or Elizabeth have been out, and that they haven't been filming, there are loads of conspiracy theories, some are absolutely insane, and some are scarily accurate. But I refuse to tell Lizzie about them because they will just add to the stress.

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