Home sweet home

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Your POV:

I am walking away from the set, oh my god. Why would they help me clean, that's my job? I question myself. They were the actors and seemed super famous. I don't really understand, but I can't tell my boss he would not be happy.

I exit the set and walk past security, following the path down towards the alleyway. I follow the alleyway until we reach a main road, I follow it down until I see the dump. I crossover the road and climb the brick wall with the usual ladder left in the bush. Jumping down the wall, I run towards the rusty old orange bus.

I climb up the back of the bus and reach for the food bag I have stashed under a seat. I reach inside and take out a breakfast bar. I sit on the blanket I have laid down and start to eat the bar. I don't have much food as I can't cook as I don't have a kitchen and no fridge so food options are limited. I put the wrapper in the bag I have for any rubbish.

I look outside and notice it's starting to get pretty windy, i clamber up and lock the back door, the side door and the front windows. I climb up the chairs and lock all of the windows. I am kind of scared it's getting really loud, I'm not sure how much sleep I'm going to get. But hopefully I won't have to stay here too long, I finally have a job and can earn some money from cleaning. I know I should be in school but I couldn't really care I just need to earn enough money for food. I am ashamed but I have to steal food as it's too expensive to buy at the moment.

I walk over to the right side in the middle of the bus where I have a blanket laid with Ellie, Ellie is my stuffed elephant. I have always had her, she's my one comfort object. I love her. I lift the blanket and lay on the bus seats, resting my head on my elbow as I lay sideways. I look outside and see the sun setting, it's a lovely view.

My eyes begin to weigh down and they're getting heavy, they flutter closed and I fall to sleep curled up in the bus. The place I've called home for three years.

Time skip~

It's the next morning and I'm woken to the sound of birds chirping and landing on the bus. I lift the blanket off me and fold it. I shuffle off the chairs and reach into my duffel bag, inside are my clothes. Most of it are from charity shops, I put on my navy jeans, grey shirt and black hoodie.

I'm guessing it's pretty early as the sun is still rising. I grab the bag with all of my cleaning equipment and a cap, I open the side door and walk out of the bus, over to the brick wall. I climb the tree beside the wall and climb over the top. Once I have all my bags and everything I begin my walk to the set. It's a relaxing day today, allowing me to relax and enjoy the sun. It's nice and warm, in New York today.

I reach security and search through my bag trying to find my security pass, but I can't seem to find it. I sit on the curb near the entrance rummaging through the bag, desperate to find my pass. I'm going to be in so much trouble if I can't find my pass.

I check my bag one last time and can't seem to find it anywhere. It has to be at the bus then. I stand up and run back to the yard. I clamber over the wall and run into the bus. As I search around I find it laying on the floor. Thank god I found it. I snatch it up and run back to set. I don't want to be late. I run to security panting slightly but show my pass, he lets me through.

I walk quickly into the locker area for staff and see the clock. '06:57' perfect I'm on time. I look on the board and see I need to clean the green room, and all the ladies bathrooms. Great, love cleaning toilets. I place my bag in my locker, I kind of have squeeze it in however. I take the second bag with all my cleaning equipment and make my way to the green room.

I open the door and see almost all of the cast sat eating breakfast. Why must I clean it when it's in use? I keep my head down and walk towards the bins. Removing the rubbish and tying up the bag of waste. I take a new bag liner and place it in the bin. I put the waste to the side and do the exact same to the recycling. I place my bag on the floor and take out a disinfectant spray and a cloth, I wipe the counters, tables and chairs that aren't being used. I focus on cleaning but can hear people having conversations about something, I'm not sure that though.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now