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Your POV:

I have just finished math and it was okay, I mean I kept having people throw balls of paper or rubbish, but it was okay. I do better in math than anything else, because there is little to no words.

The bell has gone and it's lunch, I have no money, and no lunch so I'm just going to sit outside alone, it's best I steer away from everyone else. I already have the label of a freak.

I sit on the floor, with my legs pressed into my body, I'm sat at the back, trying to stay out of view.

But just my luck I failed miserably, as a group of girls can walking up to me. I hoped they were just going to sit down and leave me alone.

Katie from maths and English walks up to me and kicks my foot, making my leg fall.

"Hey freak." I don't look up, wanting her to leave me alone.

"Hey freak I'm talking to you!" She shouts at me, causing me to shake at the loud noise.

"Hey Hannah look freak really doesn't talk. Bet your parents are glad they left you, whore." She shouts at me, causing a tear to fall.

"Aww look you made her cry, what a baby. Come on get the fuck up!" Katie shouts causing the other girls behind her to laugh.

I slowly get to my feet not wanting to have any issues. I reach my feet and look up at them both. They have smirks in their faces as they see my hands shake as I wipe away the stray tear.

"Come on say something, I bet it's for attention you no good mute. Your so ugly, no one can love someone like you." She laughs, she takes pushes my shoulders back causing my back to hit the brick wall. She slaps my left cheek causing my head to snap to the right.

Her knee jabs into my stomach and I hunch over and grab my head trying to cover myself. Just as I was about to get kicked again, I hear a loud voice booming through.

"What the fuck do you think your doing. GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I keep my head down and cover my body, pulling it as close as possible.

I keep myself in a ball, I feel a hand on my back, but it was a soft, it wasn't someone hitting me, it was a soft touch.

"Hey y/n, it's me Leah." She whispers into my ear as she rubs my back. I whimper as I feel her hand touch my body.

"Hey could you look at me, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you anymore okay. I've got you." She says softly as she lifts me into her lap causing me to tense.

She continues to caress my back as she holds me tight. I start to cry as I begin to relax, letting myself feel all of the emotions. I stay in her lap and lean into her hold.

The lunch bell goes telling us that lunch is over. I go to get up but fail as Leah holds me tighter.

"Y/n your bleeding you can't, we're gonna go to the school nurse." I whimper, I really don't want to go to the school nurse.

Leah wraps her arms under my bum and under my armpits and picks me up. I instantly wrap my arms around her neck at being picked up. This causes her to laugh lightly. As she walks us to the nurses I get more comfortable in her hold. We have to walk past some class rooms so I just hide my face into her shoulder.

"Shh shh it's alright." She whispers into my ear squeezing me in her hold.

We arrive at what I presume is the nurses office. Leah quickly knocks on the door so she doesn't drop me. We walk through the door into a white room, definitely nurses office.

"Hi Laura, I need your help." Leah says.

The nurse who I presume is named Laura didn't look but replied anyway.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now