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Lizzie's POV:

All of the suitcases are downstairs and ready to be loaded into the truck, I do think I quite realised how many we have. We have four massive suitcases and then four smaller ones. We definitely need Scarlett's truck for this one. I have decided to plan the packing so i know where they all are.

I reach into my pocket and take out the trackers and tags we have for the suitcases. I right my phone number on each tag and attach it to the bags. Then place a tracker on each. Once I'm happy that we will be able to find all the bags I start with packing. I take mine and Scarlett's larger suitcases, placing them on the bottom, leaving enough space for a small suitcase in sideways. Then I place placing another two small suitcases at the end of the truck, then I need to place Leah and y/n's large suitcases on top.

Deciding I need help I make my way into the house trying to find Leah to help me with lugging them up onto the truck. I wonder into the library to find the three of them all reading their books before we go.

"Didn't expect to find you all in here, but um Leah could you give me a hand with the last few suitcases?" Leah immediately nods her head and stands up, before she leaves she places a kiss on top of y/n's forehead.

We both make my way out to the front and grab a suitcase. I stand on the truck and wait for Leah to raise the bag up, the suitcase comes up to me and I take it off Leah and lay it in the truck, trying to make sure it is as neatly as possible. Leah goes and grabs the second bag, and lifts it up to me, I yet again take it and push it into the truck. All we have left is Scarlett's small suitcase which I think is going to have to go in the back with Leah and y/n.

"Leah I think Scars small suitcase is going to have to go in the back with you and y/n." She smiles and nods her head.

She grabs the last suitcase, but instead of putting it in the middle like I said, she puts it in the left back seat. She nods her head to herself before closing the truck door and turning back to me. I'm slightly confused as we have a middle seat but it's nowhere near as comfortable.

"I want to sit next to y/n if that's alright." She clearly spots my confusion. I smile softly and silently agree nodding my head.

We make our way inside the house after locking the truck. There are four backpacks by the door ready to be loaded into the truck. Me and Scarlett did have to do some manoeuvring as she has put all her medical supplies in her backpack, leaving no space for her to put a book or anything so my backpack is full of both our things.

"Okay everyone ready to hit the road?" Scarlett ask walking into the main entrance.

Everyone agrees so we all take our bags and out them in the truck, I have my backpack at my feet in the passengers seat, both y/n and Leah have their backpacks with themselves, and Scarlett's bag is put with the small suitcase in the back seat. Y/n is sat in her usual seat which is the back seat behind the drivers seat. Leah moved herself to the middle seat so she and y/n are rather close together.

Everyone gets comfortable as I make sure the doors and widows are locked for the house before getting in myself. The truck starts and we drove off to the motorway and head to JFK airport.

We finally arrive at the airport and head to the VIP area, as we don't want to be hounded by paparazzi when moving around as we have so many suitcases. Scarlett drives round to the back if the airport and stops at a gate.

"Hi, Scarlett johansson. We have security access, hears the email." She says pulling her phone out and showing the security guard at the gate. He looks at her phone before nodding. He grabs his radio and speaks into it.

"Alright ma'am, our head of security is waiting for you, please park in bay 1 number 7. Thank you and enjoy your flight." Scarlett nods listening to his instructions.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now