Forgiven or not?

918 37 2

Lizzie's POV:

Me and Scarlett have been miserable all day, we arrived late to set and then we just couldn't seem to get the scenes right, it's taken near,y two hours longer than expected. We are driving home and it's just gone past 5pm.

We have a lot to make up for when we get back, I just hope y/n and Leah can forgive us. I know I won't ever be able to forgive myself but maybe I could earn their forgiveness. We are driving home now and we are going to be there is around five minutes.

"Liz, do you think they will forgive us?" Scarlett asked as she kept her gaze focused on what's out the window. I hum, taking time to think of the correct response.

"I think we have to show how sorry we are, and if they forgive us they do and if not we need to respect that." I mumble the last part, hoping it's not going to lead to that.

We have ended up pulling into the drive, and parking the car. I follow Scarlett as she puts the key in the door and unlocks it with a click. We walk into the living room, y/n and Leah are laid in the living watching what I think is vampire diaries. Me and Scarlett walk in with our heads down, we place our bags by the doorway and stand at the side hoping they notice us.

Leah's head turned from the sound of our bags hitting the floor, she spots us both and rolls her eyes before sighing.

"What's wrong Leah?" The whole world feels frozen, has she been speaking to Leah? Does she feel that uncomfortable around us that she doesn't want to talk to us because she feels like she can't.

"No babe, just erm look over to the door." Y/n raises an eyebrow before looking over to us, her face immediately drains from colour. She rolls her eyes and looks away from us both. We take a step foreword in hopes to start a conversation.

"Y/n we are-." She's stopped by y/n holding her hand up in the air.

"Let her speak first." Leah says sternly, I have to admit Leah can get quite scary when she's like this.

We both nod our heads and keep them down, finding the floor extremely interesting. I can hear y/n mumbling, this is the first time we are hearing her voice and it's beautiful.

"L-look at me," me and Lizzie both tilt our heads up as we look at y/n who has tears in her eyes.

"You left me, you forgot me! How could you do that! Your promised to love me but you forgot me Scarlett and so did you Elizabeth. How can you forget about me! You didn't even realise! Do I mean that little to you that you could forget me like that? You know what if I mean so little that you can forget me maybe you adopting me was the wrong choice." She shouts, tears spilling from her beautiful blue eyes.

As she finished our heads snapped up at her comment, there is no way she could feel like that. Is there? I hope not, oh god. I'm stood frozen, unsure on what to say but Scarlett steps up and replies.

"Y/n my love we love you so much, anything I say can never make up for the mistake we made. I am so sorry we forgot you. And Leah I am sorry we didn't check our phones. We will spend as long as it takes to make it up to you. And we would never regret adopting you honey, it was one of the best days of our lives." She says confidently, looking into y/n's eyes, not breaking the gaze.

"No. Not how it works. You can't decide when I leave and come back into your life. And I didn't even get a say if you adopted me you just did." She says angrily with a face I have never seen before.

"D-do you n-not want to b-be our kid?" I but into the conversation as my eyes well, tears threatening to spill. She looks at me before looking over to Leah, clearly not sure as to want she should say. Leah shrugs her shoulders, telling y/n it's her opinion.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now