The Surprise

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Your POV:

Last night I was woken by the sound of moaning, now I know what it means. I'm not a baby. So I decided to have some fun this morning.

I had managed to fall back asleep but I had woke up again at eight. So I went into the kitchen and started the coffee pot, as well as some tea. I wasn't sure what they would eat for breakfast so I just put out some fruit, the hot drinks and some juices.

You see on my phone I have a really cool app. It reads everything out for me. And it taught me how to read and write. I haven't told Lizzie or Scarlett yet because I wanted to surprise them. I think it's going really well. I've learnt all about how some letters go together to create a new sound, or that some are like silent letters. But I think now would be a good time to show them, plus it would be really funny.

I am going to tell them both to keep the noise down just a little, I'm not sure if they forgot I was there or what but they were quite loud.

As I was in the dining room, I was on my phone and had my headphones in. Listening to the voice as it reads out the words. And explaining why they are spelt that way. There are the words I just can't seem to get the right way round, it's 'there, their and they're' like they all sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings? I've spent probably hours working on trying to figure these out but I just can't seem to get a grasp.

And if I want to find out a specific word, there's a dictionary which is alphabetical so through process of elimination I can figure out how to spell a word.

I was working on a sentence for Lizzie and Scarlett which would be fun. I sorted out my app and began to type a simple hello to them both. As I was typing and checking spellings I hear the stairs creek, meaning they were on their way down. It's the normal time they would wake up which is around nine.

I turn my head to see them both holding each others hands as they walk into the dining room. They both have goofy smiles, like lovestruck teenagers. I wave at them and they both wave back. I look at my phone, happy with the greeting I had set up. I press play and both their heads snap round.

"Hello, Lizzie and Scarlett. Good morning!" The robotic voice on my phone said.

I looked up hoping to see some sort of validation or a smile but they just stare with their mouths agape. I quickly return to my phone and type hoping it's correct.

"Are you okay?" They both seem to snap out of whatever trance they were in by smiling wide and looking at me.

"Erm yeah yeah, we are good. Erm yeah morning." Lizzie stutters with a smile so wide it must be hurting her face.

"Morning honey. And wow since when could you do that?" Scarlett asks with I think a proud smile. I just shrug my shoulders and smirk glad that I'm not in trouble.

I smile at their reaction and decide to mess around with them to see their reaction. I go on my phone and begin to type away. The app occasionally autocorrecting my spelling mistakes. I glance up to see Lizzie and Scarlett looking at me slightly confused. I finish typing and press the play button.

"How was your sleep? Because I got woken up in the middle of the night." Their heads snap towards each other, it's taking everything in myself not to giggle.

"I was woken up to what seemed to be moaning, and then a banging type noise. I have to admit though, Scarlett I wasn't expecting you to be a bottom." The phone continues in a robotic voice making it's even funnier.

As I'm giggling quietly I can't help it as Scarlett turns as red as a tomato whilst Lizzie laughs at the end of the statement. Scarlett lightly slaps her wife's shoulder trying to stop her from laughing but  it seems her attempts were futile. Me and Lizzie start laughing harder as she pouts. I quickly grab my phone and type clumsily hoping it's right.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now