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Your POV:

The car slowed to a stop, I presume we have arrived at their house. I stretch up and look out of the window and see a beautiful house, more like a mansion with a large garden at the front. They both get out of the car, closing their door. Scarlett comes to my door and opens it for me, I undo my seatbelt and climb out of the fancy car.

I shiver slightly as my cold clothes stick to my skin, making me feel even colder. I look up at Scarlett, who offers her hand, remembering when I was offered a hand before I took her hand in mine and we walked to the front door. I see Lizzie, I think that's her name putting a pin in the front door key pad, then taking a key and unlocking the door. She opens the door and lets me through.

As we walk in everything is a pristine white, not a speck of dust to be seen. We walk through the hallway and I see them both removing theirs shoes, so I do the same. I follow them further into the house and we walk into what I assume to be the kitchen, there is a marble counter that has four stools on one side and the kitchen area on the other. The other side of the room has a dining table, the table is black and has six seats each side.

"What did you have for lunch today?" Scarlett asks as she looks through the cupboards. I just stare at her, I can't speak, I don't want to speak.

"Okayy, how about did you eat anything yet today?" Lizzie asks as she looks at me with soft eyes. I lower my head and shake it no subtly.

"Okay then, we'll you should really eat more. But how about I make you some macaroni and cheese?" Lizzie offers with a smile. What am I meant to say, I don't know what that is. It has cheese but I'm lactose intolerant, I can't have any dairy. What do I do?

I decide to nod and eat it no matter what. I don't want to be an inconvenience, I see Scarlett grabbing the food from the cupboards for dinner. This will be the first warm meal in at least a year. I'm kind of excited actually. I am still shivering from the cold, my skin is attached to me clothes as they cling to my body.

"Whilst Lizzie is making dinner why don't we get you a shower and a change of clothes," Scarlett says with a smile and takes my hand. She leads me towards the stairs, we must be heading towards the bathroom.

We enter a bedroom, it has a wall with a frame full of pictures of the marvel cast. This must be their bedroom, oh god. I can't touch anything. She leads me to the middle of the room and walks around the house, I make sure to just stand there and not to move in case I get in trouble. A couple of minutes later she walks back into the room with a towel and a large, baggy shirt.

"Okay so the shower is in there, would you like to do it yourself or would you like me to help?" She offers. I don't know how to properly wash my hair I haven't in years. But I don't want to bother her. I decide I would like her help, I trust her. She has helped me a lot. Raising my head I look at her and point at her, I try to talk but only receive a small grunt in return. But as soon as the noise is made Scarlett's head shoots up and raises and eyebrow.

"Okay then I'll help, let's get you washed then shall we sweetheart." Every time she uses a term of endearment or a nickname it makes me feel all funny inside, almost warm.

She takes my hand and walks me in. She slowly begins to undress me, taking of all my clothes. I look down and hope that she doesn't notice how skinny I am. I don't want to be a burden on anyone.

She grabs me under my arms and lifts me into the shower. She turns the water on, checking it's not too hot. I move slightly ensuring my hair gets rinsed in the water. Scarlett grabs what I presume is the shampoo and begins to wash my hair. She followed with the conditioner and then body wash. When it came to washing my body she hinted the question of whether I wanted to do it or if she should. I sort of shrugged gesturing that I didn't mind. She finished washing me before turning the water off.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now