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Lizzie's POV:

It's the next morning and I am sat in bed waiting for Scarlett to wake up, we have our first day on set and I need to take out her feeding tube which I know is not going to be a pleasant task. I know it's uncomfortable even when it's not being moved around so I feel horrible for having to do it to my wife but she does need it removed for shooting so it needs to be done.

I think she might be glad to have it out, but I'm not sure how it's going work with meals and everything, but we will figure it out along the way. My thoughts are interrupted by the a quiet whine coming from the small body next to me. I look to make my side and smile wide as she cutely scrunches her nose.

"Morning honey, come on it's time to get up now." I whisper whilst brushing away the loose strands of hair away from her face.

"Mmm no," I can't help but laugh at her response. Deciding the best way to get her up is bribery I get up out of bed.

"Well I was thinking we could shower together but I guess not then." She shoots up out of bed and arches her right eyebrow, clearly not impressed.

"Don't you dare." She jumps out of bed and grabs my wrist, pulling me into the shower, completely ignoring the fact we have no clothes out or towels.

Time skip~

Me and Scar are currently sat in our room after having our quick shower, I know Scarlett wants to take out the feeding tube where Leah and y/n can't see her. I think she's still doesn't want to show any pain or weakness in front of them, but she doesn't quite understand that everyone wants to help her. We are sat on the bed, and we have Scarlett's backpack with all her medical kit by my feet so we can remove it.

"Babe do you want to remove it now?" I ask making sure be as soft as possible, making sure she knows it's completely up to her.

"Erm maybe now whilst y/n and Leah aren't quite up and about yet," she says looking at her phone. It's still very early in the morning so they won't be up yet.

"Okay, I need you to lay down flat, if you want to grab onto something there's a ball over there." She nods her head and takes the ball.

I move the pillows so that she can lay flat, with one pillow for her head to rest on. I take her bag and look through, to find the bag for the feeding tube, they have given us quite a few so we can throw this one away once finished. As I'm organising myself I look over and spot Scarlett fidgeting with her fingers, something she does when she is nervous. I softly place my hand on top of hers and kiss her forehead.

I have on the side of the bed a towel, some wipes, a water bottle, the disposable bag for the tube and the ball she can squeeze. I still think it would be better if she had a hand to hold but she is still set on doing with just me in the room.

"Alright honey, do you want to lay back, I've placed a soft pillow so you can rest you head on it." She smiles at me as she nods her head, but the smile doesn't reach all, the way to her eyes.

She settles herself down in the centre of the bed, with her head resting on the pillow. I kneel the same side as the towel, even though I'm going to have to move soon. I hand Scarlett the small ball knowing I won't be able to hold her hand.

"Ready?" She simply nods her head before closing her eyes.

I carefully remove the tape on the side of her face that secures it on her cheek, allowing it to be lowered from behind her ear. Now that it's loose I move myself and kneel right behind her head and place my hand on the tube. I count down out loud, as a warning and pull the tube out on three. She immediately begins to gag as I pull the tube out of her nose, she squeezes the ball tightly turning her knuckles white. As soon as the entire tube is removed I quickly put it in the bag and reach for the water. I put the water bottle to her lips, indicating for her to sip, which she does. I can tell the water soothed her throat as she isn't squinting her eyebrows as much. I rub her shoulder trying to comfort her, which I think works as she opens her eyes and smiles at me.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now