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Leah's POV:

I had rung y/n and I am currently on the phone with her, staying as silent as possible, Scarlett is getting me help a the moment, but I'm not sure I want y/n to see me like this. I'm still hidden behind the boxes, which is helping me, Miss Roberts still hasn't made her way to the garage yet. I hope help comes before she does.

I'm holding the phone to my ear, trying to be as quiet as possible while I wait for the help to arrive. I hear a door,  I can't tell where from, just as I am thinking it's from outside, help maybe. The garage door flies open. I turn my phone volume down completely and try to breath as quietly as possible.

"Come on Leah, we both know you wanted it. Come out and we can finish it off." Miss Roberts says in a husky voice.

After maybe ten minutes of her looking around I hear a car pull up, begging it be help, then I hear a second and third car. It has to be help, there no way it's not. I just need to hold out a bit longer.

"Shit what the fuck do the cops want?" She mutters in an angry tone.

She stomps out of the garage and shuts the door. I release a deep sigh of relief, I hope the police know I'm in here and that I need help. I curl myself tightly into a ball, waiting for someone to come in. I keep quiet but turn the phone up slightly.

"Leah honey, you still there?" Scarlett asks through the phone. I bring my phone close to my mouth.

"Mhm yep," I whisper, not even sure if they could hear me.

"Leah we are outside with police, can you hear the cars pulled in?" Lizzie says, a glint of hope in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah I can." I reply, feeling even more hope that y/n is here, I feel safer already.

Suddenly I hear a loud bang, like the door being slammed open. I cover my ears and hold myself tight. I hear shouting and screaming, it's Miss Roberts, she's arguing with the police.

"We know there's a child in here, hands behind you back! Now!" The voice that I recognise as detective Lindsey.

"They are all out playing." She argues.

I can hear the officer rummaging through the house, if they find my clothes, they'll know I'm here. It all goes silent for a while before the garage door is being banged on, I shuffle further away just in case. The door flies open, I peer round the corner and see both detectives, Lindsey and Upton. They both have their guns out and are looking through the room, I whimper at the guns and try to be as quiet as possible.

"Wait Hailey, do you hear that. Come on check behind the boxes." They both out their guns away and start to move the boxes, they both see me as they moved the last box keeping me hidden.

"Hey hun. We're with y/n, she sent us to, help you." I shake my head, I only want y/n no one else.

"Would you like y/n?" The blonde detective asks me with sympathetic smile.

"Yes" I mumble wanting the comfort of my girlfriend.

"Can we please bring y/n and Scarlett in here please I have Leah, but won't go anywhere." Detective Lindsay radios in.

A couple minutes later the door opens again and I see y/n, she frantically looks around the garage until her sights set on me, scarlett soon followed, making me feel slightly embarrassed that I am basically naked in front of my girlfriends foster parent. But that is not really my priority right now.

"Babe can I come in?" Y/n asks through her phone gesturing to the little hidden space behind the boxes I was sat in.

"Yes," she nods and makes her way up to me.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now