Old friend

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Your POV:

School has finished and today was a much better day, no one picked on me at all, I ate lunch with Leah and her football teammates, they were pretty loud. It was all guys apart from me and Leah. They were quite nice though so that's okay.

Lots of people complimented about the jacket, some asked how I got it and said that Leah had given it, or she would smile and say it was hers and only I can wear them. Which would make me blush. Everyone found it cute. But they were all a year or two above me. Leah is two years above me. She's a senior and I'm a sophomore. But they all just say I'm cute, which makes Leah get protective, I'm not sure why though.

Anyways Leah was determined that we would go shopping to buy clothes for me but I don't have any money to buy the clothes with. But I can look I guess.

We were currently in forever 21 looking through, there were some nice stuff in there but I definitely couldn't afford anything in here. Leah was showing me a shirt it was a grey too, with a couple of buttons at the top. I nod my head saying I like it. It's a nice top.

"Great what size are you?" I shake my head no, I can't afford a shirt or anything in that matter.

"Come on what size?" I show a 2 with my fingers, she nods and grabs one from the racking. I suppose I can buy it, I'll just have to stretch out my cleaning products for it to do.

As we're making our way to the till, i here my name being shouted. My head whips round, I instantly recognise that voice. I look around and in the corner of my eye I see Isla, walking with Dani. I smile wide as they both run towards me Isla leaps on top of me, causing me to fall to the ground.

The last time I saw Isla was when we were 9 I was in foster care and she was living with her sister. Isla is a year older than me. We lost contact as I ran away.

I suddenly hear a cough, remembering that Leah was here I instantly tap Isla asking her to get off me. Once Isla was off she offered me a hand. I scramble up to me feet and smile at Leah. Isla sticks out her hand to Leah smiling.

"I'm Isla, y/n's best friend!" She shakes Leah's hand.

"Leah, I am at the same orphanage as y/n, we share a room." I smile wide at the interaction.

I pull Leah's hand telling her I want to go, you see Isla was there was I used to occasionally talk, I never talked much at all but Isla was there when a few words were said. Leah's takes the signal and understands I want to go.

"Well we better get going but it was nice to meet you both." I wave goodbye but Isla pulls my hand.

"Hey wait a minute y/n don't you wanna say anything?" Isla asked, she doesn't know that I just don't talk anymore. I shake my head.

"Oh come on I know for a fact you can talk and do talk, so why not? Or is it that you haven't told your girlfriend that you can talk yet?" I look up in shock. She was never like this before

"Isla don't be like that you know she didn't talk much before." Dani says standing up for me.

"No but she shouldn't be lying to her girlfriend. Have you seen the two of them. Definitely not friends." I look up confused. Me and Leah are friends, I like to think we are at least.

"Oh shit, you really are oblivious you see Leah here doesn't want to be just your friend!" My head shoots to leah. Wait what? I'm confused, what else can we be?

"Oh seriously drop the act, you know she wants to get into your pants and you just dragging her along, like before huh?" My head snaps to Leah, she's gone bright red, does she want to get into my pants? Why would she like me? Suddenly what Isla said sinks in. She just exposed me to Leah.

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