The alphabet

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Lizzie's POV:

As I was plating up some French toast I noticed y/n was about to wash up the pans. Why isn't she eating?.  Did she not make anything for herself? She's cleaning all the pots and pans, but I want her to eat.

"Hey y/n, why don't you grab a plate?" I try as a way to get her to eat.

She just shakes her head and points to the pans. I sigh and look over to Scarlett who is currently having a very small amount of food. This week she is allowed a rather small amount of physical food, but is to stop if she is sick.

Y/n walks over and grabs an apple from the fruit bowel, she starts to munch on the red apple, whilst washing up the plates.

After a while me and Scarlett have finished eating and y/n has finished cleaning. She looks unsure on what to do. Almost awkwardly she's stood in the hallway. I decide to invite her in, I though we could get to teaching her the alphabet. It may sound simple but for her it's a whole language.

"Y/n do you wanna come in here, we could maybe start teaching you to read?" Her eyes lock onto mine, as she grows a smile and smiles wide at the offer. She nods rapidly in an excited expression.

Scarlett pats the seat opposite, offering it to her. She walks over cautiously and takes a seat.

Scarlett takes out her iPad from her bag and sets it on her table. She get out the drawing app, and writes each letter and how it's supposed to be pronounced underneath. She has rather neat handwriting, mines slightly more messy.

"Okay so I have written down each letter of the alphabet. And under you can see how they are pronounced. Me or Lizzie are going to say a letter and I want you to try and point to which one it is." Scarlett instructs as y/n nods her head with a massive smile.

"Okay I'll start with the letter 'b', which is it?" She looks at me focused as I say the letter. She points over to the letter 'd' but quickly changes to 'b'. She nods and looks up with hopeful eyes.

"Yes that's great!" She grins as she get it right.

"Okay how about 'm'." She looks unsure and goes around the letters.  After a couple of minutes she looks up. I take the hint that she's unsure.

"I'll give you a hint it's one of these," I point to 'l' to 'o'. She looks at the letters and picks 'n', her head looks up with hope, I shake my head softly.

"That is 'n', this one is 'm' you were so close." With a sigh her head tilts down.

"That's okay, just keep trying." I smile trying to lighten up her mood, she can't expect her to know what each letter is yet.

Time skip~

After nearly two hours of teaching her the meters, and a few very well needed breaks as she was getting upset with herself occasionally when she couldn't remember a letter.

Finally she could remember all the letters and what it sounds like. We aren't going to work in speaking, because we want to leave that to a professional, so we just worked on reading. I though about writing but also thought a professional would be better.

I had Scarlett's iPad and was writing small words and asking y/n to select which one it was. The words we were working on were like 'the, she, he, ball, it' she would point to which one it was. It was going well, she was learning the basic words and becoming able to read. It was great to see.

She would get frustrated with herself if she could t figure out the word, it was adorable but I could tell she would get upset with herself. We would always tell her it was okay, and that she didn't need to worry.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now