The offer

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Your POV:

I went to go get ice cream, I wasn't sure where I could get the ice cream from so I decided to go to the food canteen. That has a good chance of having ice cream right?

God I don't even know what I'm doing here if I'm honest. I should just leave now while I have a chance. It would make my life a lot easier. Do you they even want me here? No. Why would they? I caused her so much pain.

I make my way towards the exit, tying to leave without being spotted, when I suddenly bump into a rather large and strong figure. I fall backwards and land on my bottom. I shake my head and look up to see the one and only Chris Evans.

"Woah are you- oh hey y/n right?" He knows my name? He knows my name! How does he know my name? I just stare up unsure as to what I'm supposed to do.

"Come on let's get you up, are you here to see Scar?" I take his hand and stand up, nodding my head slowly.

"Come on, you can show us where she is." I look up confused, then look behind him to see Robert, Jeremy and other Chris behind him. They all wave and I turn a bright red.

I shake my head and point to the canteen. I guess I am staying anyway. They seem to take the hint and follow me to the canteen, looking around I'm trying to find some ice cream, I can't go and not comeback, I'll be in trouble.

I look around trying to find it but I can't find it anywhere. I start getting nervous, I was given one job, to find ice cream, I can't even do that. Just when I was about to give up I took one more look and saw an ice cream machine in the corner of the room. I went over and grabbed three, paying the lady, looking over towards the cast gesturing if they want any. The all nod so I grab four more and go to pay.

Once I paid I look in my pocket and see I don't have enough cash for a bus ride. Great, going to have to walk, then I'll also be late and on top of that I'll get in trouble. Oh well.

With three ice creams on my hand I make my way to Scarlett's hospital room. We take the stairs and make our way to the private wing. I stand in front of the door, and knock on the door.

"Come in," I open the door and see them both smiling as they see the ice cream in my hand. I walk over and them each an ice cream.

"Oooo my favourite thanks, I wasn't sure if there would be any but thanks." I nodded then pointed to the doorway, which had the cast, all stood awkwardly eating an ice cream.

Lizzie's POV:

My head snaps to the doorway and spot, both Chris' and Jeremy and Robert. Robert walks forward to Scarlett and hands her a bouquet of flowers. I completely forgot about the cast, there is no way we can talk to her now. They are going to be there, she will feel pressured if they are here.

They each take a turn to hug her, wishing she gets well soon. I notice Robert staring at Scar's feeding tube, I slap his arm and shake my head, telling him not to mention it. He nods his head and leaves if, I know she is super self-conscious about the tube. She doesn't want to be seen as I'll or weak but she needs to keep it in, and the quicker she gets used to having one the better.

"So how's the hospital life treating you?" Chris Hemsworth asks with a slight laugh towards the end.

"It's erm alright I guess, just so frustrating sometimes. But I am being discharged so it all good." Scarlett offers a smile at the end but I can tell it's fake.

"That's good, anything you have to do at home?" She shuffles in her bed and looks at her hands. But quickly stops.

"Well I have this stupid thing but that's it, and no exercise for now." She says gesturing to the feeding tube. The boys all nod and smile.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now