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Scarlett POV:

I had finished at set today, but I haven't seen y/n around anywhere cleaning. Usually she is cleaning somewhere and I bump into her, but I haven't seen her. Deciding to see if I can find her I head to the crew lockers, most people are in there when they are not working but something tells me she is rarely in there.

I open the door with the sign 'Crew Lockers' and see a few people standing around.

"Hey have you guys seen the small girl?" I ask the room. I receive a few mumbles of no or not today, but one person quietly whispered that she'd gone. Maybe she had just gone home, I wouldn't blame her if I had been cleaning the whole time I would want to just go home right away.

But she doesn't really have a home, more of a place to stay. The bus is surprisingly safe actually, no one can really get access to it. Deciding that is the best place to look, I call Lizzie and tell her I plan on looking for her, she says that she will meet me at the car in the car park.

I walk back, ignoring anyone who tries to start a conversation with me and keep walking as fast as I can. I reach the car and see Lizzie sat on the hood of the car waiting for me. I scramble for my keys that were in my bag right at the bottom and unlock the car. I get into the drivers side and start the car, I turn to look at Lizzie and see her door is shut so I drive off. From yesterday I try and remember the route to get to the bus, after only taking two wrong turns we make it to the bus.

I park the car and jump out, i speed walk over to the bin frantically looking for her. As my gaze moves around I sport a backpack, I recognise it. It's y/n's backpack. I rush over and see her security pass, and cleaning products.

Where is she? She was here, but she wouldn't just leave her bag on the side of the road. I have a really bad feeling in my stomach, something just doesn't feel right. I look at Lizzie and see she has a single tear running down her left cheek, I rush over and hug her. I squeeze her tight, trying to calm her down.

"It's alright, we'll find her okay. She might be around let's have a look," I say trying to give Lizzie some hope she is around somewhere.

"Y-you don't know t-that," she says crying into my arms. I have no idea how this kid has managed to find their way into our hearts like this.

I take her hand in one and y/n's bag in the other. I'm so nervous, I hope she has just left it laying around and she's okay. We walk over to the box and climb over, I look and find that the bus trashed, all her belongings thrown all over the bus. Her stuffed elephant laying on the floor, thankfully not broken.

"Honey we need the police now okay," I say looking at my wife who is holding onto y/n's elephant, holding into her chest.

She just nods her head he's in response, I grab my phone and call the local police, I hope they'll help.

"New York police station how may I help?"

"Hi I would like to report a possible kidnapping, or a missing child. I'm not sure." I ramble.

"Okay ma'am, take a breathe. What is your name?"

"Scarlett Johansson."

"Okay, what was the child's name?" He asks skeptical.

"I-it's y/n, I don't know her last name. Can you please send someone here." I beg the officer on the phone.

"How old is the child?" He asks ignoring my plea.

"She's erm, like 12 maybe a bit older." I say, now realising I don't even know how old she is.

"Okay, and your sure she is missing?"

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now