First flight

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Y/n's POV:

As we are putting all our stuff into the trays I spot the security guards who are standing there waiting for us. Whilst our bags are being scanned we make our way to the giant metal detector thing that looks like a doorframe.

Lizzie goes first and as she walks through the detector beeps and flashes red. She walks over and they pat her down, obviously trying to find something. When they find nothing they let her go. I go next and wait until they tell me to walk through. As I walk through the detector doesn't beep and they let me through to Lizzie straight away who is now packing away everyone's electronics.

I see Leah get beeped so she is searched as well, I make sure to keep an eye on her. I look back over to see she has joined us and now we are just waiting for Scarlett. Of course with her luck the scanner goes off and she steps aside, they start talking to her and asking her questions. I watch as she points to her tube and I can still feel a tinge of guilt. I know it's been so long but it still makes it so much harder for her. 

After a couple minutes of talking she walks up to us with a smile and grabs her bag. We all make our way inside and as soon as we enter a few heads turn, I think we have just walked into the main airport area. I notice Tom is stood in front of us whilst there is a security guard at like each corner. I stay as close as I can to Lizzie and take a hold of her hand.

We walk through a few doors to a much quieter area, I see that's it's pretty much empty except for a few other, presumably others on our flight. I notice there are booth like areas and we make our way to sit in one, I sit next to Leah and Lizzie and Scarlett sit next to each other on the other side. The guards stand at the entrance blocking the view from others. I can hear the speaker going off, announcing that people are boarding, I wonder when we are boarding.

After another twenty minutes there's an announcement made in the same block we are in which says all first class passengers may now board the plane. I'm not sure what they meant by first class passengers but oh well. I spot Scarlett and Lizzie talking to each other before they both stand up, packing away anything that they had out.

"Y/n, Leah can I have your passports and boarding passes please?" We both nod synchronised with each other, I take the passport and boarding pass and hand them over.

As we follow the small crowd, still surrounded by security may I add, we reach a tunnel like pathway, I look out the window and see a massive plane. I poke Leah in the arm and point to the plane, she reacts the same way I did as her jaw dropped slightly at the size of the plane.

We enter the entrance of the plane which has a fancy sliding door, inside there are rather luxurious seats. I spot at the back of the plane there are four empty seats, I look over to Lizzie who nods her head telling me those are our seats. The seats are all in a row next to each other making it much easier.

"Okay, who wants to sit in the middle?" Scarlett asks, I immediately look down. Definitely not, no thanks.

I look over to Leah and see she doesn't want to sit next to the window either so we both look at the two adults. They both seem to understand and gesture for us to take the middle seats. Due to how spread out the seat are, there are only four seats in a row so both Lizzie and Scarlett sit in the window seats and me and Leah in the middle. I'm sat with Leah on my right and Scarlett on my left. I feel much more comfortable now. Our bags are placed in the overhead compartments apart from my phone and headphones which I have for music. Suddenly the speaker turns on through the plane.

"Good afternoon everyone this is your captain speaking, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy your flight." I have to admit that did surprise me slightly.

"Don't worry that's the only one, we will be taking off in a minute alright." I nod my head at Scarlett and watch the display the flight attendants did before I checked my seatbelt was done up.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now