Welcome home

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Lizzie's POV:

So I decided to have a small welcome home party for Scarlett, it will just include the cast, y/n, her close family and my parents and sisters. They are all at home right now decorating and preparing the house, I gave my sister Ashley the keys to the house. I hope everything is going okay.

Currently me and Scarlett are at the hospital, waiting for discharge papers, we have applied for the foster parenting, we have said we will take y/n to her social worker, she seems pretty keen, I'm not sure why? But she said we should get a call today, saying when our house inspection is, if the house inspection is approved then y/n can stay at our home.

My phone starts to ring, I answer expecting it to be someone at the home.


"Is this Mrs Elizabeth Olsen?" Okay definitely not a friend.

"Yes this she."

"Hello I am from social services, we have a date for your house inspection, it will be tomorrow if that alright? I understand that is very soon, but we just had a cancellation."

"Oh of course yes definitely, tomorrow is fine." I answer too quickly.

"Great see you then."

"Thank you."

I end the call and jump up in excitement, completely forgetting that Scarlett has no idea why I'm so excited.

"What has you so happy?" She laughs

"We have our house inspection tomorrow!! There was a cancellation and we got it!" I say with a large smile.

Her smile grows wide and she motions for me to come towards her, as I reach her she pulls me into a big hug. I can't wait, I'm so excited.

After hugging for a while we let go of each other. Scarlett is getting ready to leave, I'm just about to take her into the bathroom so she can get changed into normal clothes. We decided on a pair of sweats. The bottoms were loose so they weren't tight on her stomach. I gave her my hoodie, she wanted one so I gave her my favourite.

As we entered the bathroom, there was a chair attached to the wall. I guided Scarlett over and sat her down on the chair.

"Okay which do you want to do first?" I ask softy.

"Erm bottoms first," she nods.

"I shuffle the hospital gown, so it's around her hips. I reach round and untie the bow keeping it on. I pull off the gown, and skip up a pair of panties to her thighs.

"Scar I need you to lift up a bit so I can put your panties on." She nods and places her hands beside her hips, she lifts herself up, just enough for me to slide them up and over her hips.

I then take the hoodie of mine and help her out it on. Starting with one arm, then the other. We decided against a bra as it might hurst her stitches. Once she is dressed I guide her off the table and help her out on a pair if comfortable trainers. Once ready we head back into the room and wait for the final discharge papers to come through.

After maybe half an hour of waiting the discharge papers come through. Scarlett looks over and sees my name everywhere, she raises an eyebrow.

"Why is it your name and signature? It's my body?" She asks confused.

"Because they erm didn't think you were going to wake so I got filled into all of the documents." I whisper.

"Oh," is all she manages.

I return back to the paperwork and fill it all out, putting her date of birth, age, gender, who's liking after her and more. It takes me about twenty minutes to complete and once I'm done I hand it over to the receptionist. I smile as they nod, we just need it to be approved and then we can go.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now