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You POV:

The laughter died down as we had finished all the sweets, a couple of minutes later the doctor walks back in gesturing if we are continuing with the examination. I look over to Leah who nods her head.

"Only if y/n can be there with me." Leah argues sternly which makes the doctor laugh and nod her head making me smile, but Leah just seems to be tense.

"Okay then, if I could ask everyone else to leave the room, we can set up and when we are done I will send for you all." The both nod their heads and stand up, Scarlett makes her way to Leah and squeezes her hand before leaving the room.

Now it's just me, Leah and the doctor it's a lot more awkward. I can tell that Leah is pretty nervous, and I don't blame her. The door opens with a nurse who comes in, she also starts talking to the doctor as the set up some sort of table and a machine, next to the end of the bed. I must admit, I am glad they are female, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be otherwise.

"Okay, so this is nurse Golding, she is here to help. We are going to get started. So y/n if you want to stand near Leah's hand and hold it for her. And then Leah if you could rest your feet on the bed." We both move into position and I can see this look in Leah's eyes that I haven't seen before, she looks scared, or embarrassed I can't really tell. I have to admit it must be hard for Leah, she was always the brave one, she would comfort me and hold me. But right now she needs me to comfort her.

"That's great. Right Leah, we're just going to get started, you might feel some pressure alright?" Leah nods her head and turns it to the side, facing the wall away from me.

Leah's POV:

As the nurse removed my underwear, I could feel her hands and it was so uncomfortable, I hated it. I started to squirm away, wanting to get rid of the feeling. I could feel y/'s hand in mine, her thumb was rubbing the outside of it softly. I think she noticed I was getting uncomfortable as her other hand started to caress my hair in a soothing motion.

I could feel the doctors hand moving, I had tears welling on my eyes that I wiped away with my other hand. Suddenly they both moved away and I felt much better. They continued the examination for what felt like forever, when really it should have been a few minutes. I know they also had to collect proof for the police but right now I really wanted them to leave me alone.

"Alright we are done, would you like us to review now, or would you like to wait for us to bring your parents in?" I hadn't realised they were finished but I'm glad it's done and never have to go through that again. I decided to have Lizzie and Scarlett come back in as they will be easier to ask questions to.

"E-erm can they come back in?" The doctor nods and the nurse makes her leave. After a minute or two all three of them make their way inside the room. Y/n was still sat on my bed holding my hand in comfort, she had a soft smile. Just having her hold my hand was so comforting.

"Okay then, so from the examination, there is some tearing. And some bleeding. We have put in the proof of the examination, to the police already, as they always go to the top of our priority list. With the tearing, all we can do is wait for it to heal, I recommend you wait four to six weeks before being intimate together, just to give it time to heal." Instantly mine and y/n's cheeks turn bright red. We've never had sex, well I think we're waiting for y/n's birthday if I'm honest.

"Oh um okay," I mumble not looking at Lizzie or Scarlett. I do t want to upset either of them.

"Okay thank you, when is she able to go home?" Scarlett asks without looking at me.

"Oh yes, she will be able to go home tonight, once we check her wrist and hips and all the documents have been cleared." She nods her head and turns to me smiling at me softly.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now