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Lizzie's POV:

The new teacher that we are trialing for y/n should be coming in an hour. I hope she likes him.me and Scarlett spent hours looking for a teacher,it's currently eight in the morning meaning both Scarlett and y/n are still asleep. We have a very busy week.we have work and we need to bring y/n with us as we don't want to get a babysitter.

I'm sat in bed next to Scarlett who is slowly waking up. We had a pretty late night which was interrupted by a nightmare, it's been a while since she has had a nightmare, but it still spooked her. I had woken up at around two to her tossing in the bed and mumbling. She was mumbling 'no n-no. Please.' I presume it was to do with the shooting which was only confirmed when she shot out of the bed after I'd woken her up.  She instantly asked me where y/n was, and if she was okay. I had told her y/n was okay and that she was asleep but she didn't believe. Me and refused to do anything other than check if she was okay.

So we went to y/n's bedroom and opened the door, only to find that she was indeed asleep curled up in bed. I have to admit it was nice to see her asleep and so peaceful. Scarlett released a breath of relief and nodded her head allowing us to go back to bed. We went back to our room and got back into bed, Scarlett seemed pretty determined not to go back to bed but exhaustion took over and she had fallen asleep.

Just as I was remembering last night Scarlett sat up in her bed and looked over to me. She smiled at me before rolling on top of me. She tilted her head up at me and smiled. I looked down and smiled back.

"Morning my love," her cheeks turn a rosey red.

"Hmm," I run my fingers through her blonde messy bed hair.

We lay there comfortably for a while as my hands wrap around here body, we need to get up soon otherwise we aren't going to have enough time to get ready for the new teacher. He is supposed to be coming at eleven. And we've spent a few hours just laying in bed so we will need to get up soon.

"Babe come on we need to get up now, I know your tired but we have that possible teacher coming at eleven" she just groans and rolls off me.

Slowly getting ready for the day we both get dressed, Scarlett however putting on one of my hoodies. She is in the hoodie, with a pair of blue mom jeans and a nice top. I'm wearing a pair of black skinny jeans a nice shirt and a zip up jumper. After finally being dressed we make our way into y/n's room, she is still asleep at half nine in the morning so we make our way and jump on top of her as she's on the bed.

Instantly y/n groans at the newfound weight of us both jumping on top of her. Me and Scarlett lift our upper up off her and smile as she flutters her eyes open and whines at us.

"Come on, you have that new teacher to meet, and before I see an eye roll, we already pushed it off once." I state sternly. She shakes her but nods her head.

Y/n's POV:

I'm woken up with a heavy weight suddenly thrown on my body, causing me to groan. I absolutely do not want to be awake right now. I know it is Scarlett because she loves to jump on me, but it's too heavy for just her so presume it's m- lizzie. I was correct.

The both start laughing as lizzie sternly told me not to roll my eyes, which I definitely wasn't going to do. Well I won't now, I don't want to be sent back or something. I know I have to meet that new teacher, but what if they don't like me, or expect me to speak, or are mean, what if they hit me? My thoughts are interrupted by a soft hand stroking over my face softly.

Deciding I should get up I bush ma- Scarlett off the bed causing her to hit the floor. Me and Lizzie instantly break out into loud laughter. I can't help but slowly peer over the side of the bed, to see a pouting Scarlett which just causes me to laugh even harder. I lean my hand out offering her a hand up but instantly regret it as I'm yanked off the bed and on top of her as I fell. The thud as my body hits Scarlett's instantly causes us both to groan rather loudly. However we both hear a rather contagious laugh coming from the bed, I shuffle myself so I look over the bed, to see Lizzie laughing to herself as me and Scarlett are stuck on the floor.

Deciding to get back at Lizzie I lift my hand asking for help and am soon lent a hand from Lizzie, as payback I also yam, her off the bed, but roll off Scarlett causing her to land right on top of her as I am laid on the floor. I jump up off the floor and reach for my phone. I quickly type as fast as possible.

"Payback is a bitch." My phone automatically plays.

Regret instantly fills my face as I realise I've never sworn before in front of them both. The both gasp before shuffling off each other they both get and walk towards me, I think they might hit me, oh no they're going to hit me. I close my eyes waiting for the impact but the only thing I feel is two pairs of hands tickling me. I break out into a rather loud and giggly laugh. They both start laughing, clearly to my unfortunate demise as they tickle me to death.

I start to squirm away, but fail at they tickle me from both sides. I tap on Lizzie and Scarlett's arms telling them both to stop, after a couple of minutes and me gasping from giggling I relax and as they stop tickling me, allowing me to breath again. In a huff I jump up and grab a pair of leggings and a shirt. I make my way into the bathroom and get changed.

Once I'm ready I exit the bathroom to find them both still laid on the bed. I gesture for them to follow as I walk out of the room towards the kitchen. I grab an apple and take a bit as I look up at the clock.

"So y/n we have the possible teacher coming in half an hour so I'm going to need you to clear the table and get it ready." I nod and instantly make my way, clearing off all the paper and any rubbish, before grabbing the cleaning products.

As I'm cleaning I spot Lizzie and Scarlett staring at me with a quizzical look. They both don't notice I caught them staring so I continue to clean the table with the cloth. Once ready I get out my phone and check the charge. I noticed it was sort of low so I plug it in so it would charge until he came.

We had placed everything in an empty office room that I would occasionally use to play in, but we will use it for the lessons. I really don't want to be left alone in a room with his though, it's kind of scary. I hope he isn't mean, what if he doesn't like me? I don't want to let Lizzie and Scarlett down, what if they become disappointed in me?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called out. I realise Lizzie was trying to talk to me but I was too busy daydreaming. She sees I'm now paying attention and repeats her question.

"Are you ready?" I shrug my shoulders unsure. I point to the room and to Lizzie and Scarlett silently asking if they both are going to be joining us in the room, or at least one of them.

"Yes baby we will be there, it's just an introduction today, and a small lesson test. We will be there the whole time." Lizzie explains with her usually bubbly tone.

I went on my phone and listened to the music playing. Taking a break from my own thought. I'm interrupted by the irritating sound of the buzzer asking for access passed the private gate. Scarlett let's the car in and they drive up the our house.

The doorbell is rung. I can feel myself getting even more nervous, before it's interrupted by the sound of chatter and a deeper voice than I'm used to.

I slowly ponder over to Scarlett and take her hand, showing my anxieties to meeting the man. However he just smiles and lends his hand out for me to shake, I shake his hand and smile softly, wanting to be as polite as possible.

"Hello there, you must be y/n!" I nod my head and look down avoiding eye contact.

"Well it's lovely to meet you and your mothers. Shall we head inside for a meeting?" I see Lizzie goes to interject but I just smile and shake my head, saying it's alright, and that it's okay to be called their daughter. I actually would take it as a compliment.

We all sit in the office around the table, it seats six but this table gives everyone a little bit more space. The man takes out his laptop before placing it in the centre of the table.

"So y/n, I'm here to help with school, as well as with your handwriting and speech. Are you excited." I tilt my head before slowly nodding. I am kind of exited to be able to maybe write and definitely to speak, it's been so long, so the only noise I make is small grunts or laughs. Nothing more significant

The man begins to explain about what's going to happen, how he teaches and what to expect. I have to admit, he sounds good, and Lizzie and Scarlett seem happy, and I want them to be happy so I will agree.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now