Moving forward

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Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie are currently sat in the dining room, we passed the house inspection but we soon found out to see was more to y/n than we realised. The poor girl has been through so much, I had no idea she has OCD I was aware of some sort of anxiety because of her body language towards new things and a few more signals like the shaky hands, and avoiding having to communicate with others.

What we weren't prepared for was the gang information, if she was a member then the man who shot me apart of the same gang. But she sold them all out, I have no idea what the story is behind that. I wish we knew more, she seems like she's been through too much for someone of such a young age.

The when the social worker said that y/n was never chosen to be fostered it broke my heart. It was basically the social workers way of saying that we are the first ones to even enquire about her. Maybe that's why she was living in a bus, but we were aware of the history of abuse. Which to me is terrible, the fact she must have been no older than ten shows how much really has happened.

Then there's the whole reading and writing. Teaching a teenager how to read and write is a difficult task, I have no idea how to teach a teenager how to read and write. Plus she is failing her classes which she doesn't go to, because she is working. I do wonder if one of the reasons she is working as a cleaner is to do with her OCD orbs not.

As I filter through everything in my head I notice that Lizzie is doing the exact same thing.

"Hey what you thinking?" I ask her.

"It's just I have this overwhelming need to help her, she's just 15, she can't read or write, and on top of that she has anxiety just like I do, I could help her. I don't know much about OCD, but we could learn. I don't know, but I feel like we should, and the fact she's never been chosen to be fostered before breaks my heart, truly.

As for the whole gang area, it's completely up to you honey. If your happy for her to then I am, that is your choice but overall I want her to stay with us. We can provide her a home, a safe one. One with locks on the doors, a bed, warm showers. She needs that.

Then there's the whole reading and writing, but we can teach her, or find someone who can. We will get her into school. And get her grades up. We can help her I know we can she just needs to be shown that someone cares." Lizzie rambles as she fidgets with her fingers picking at them. I place my hand on top of hers, stopping her from hurting her hands.

"Lizzie it's okay, don't worry. The whole gang situation doesn't effect me, yes it's a bit of a shock, but I don't think she was a member by choice." I say, I appreciate she said it was partly my choice.

"So what's our answer going to be?" Lizzie asks.

"Well if you agree I'd like to say yes to fostering." I watch Lizzie's face, looking for any sign that she doesn't want to but all I see is happiness.

"Yes please," I smile wide as Lizzie agrees.

We smile and get up from the table, we walk towards the living room, I hold her hand tightly as reassurance. We sit back down and the inspector and social worker both look up at us.

"Just before you give your answer, I really wanted to say something. I have seen her record, and if you were to offer your home to her, if you were to foster her, she might not show it but it would mean the world. That's all I had to say." She says before looking up at us.

"Okay, right ladies. What would you like to do?" He asks us. I look over to Lizzie who nods towards me, asking for me to answer.

"We would like to foster y/n, she is a lovely girl. We have gotten to know her through work, and we would love to provide a home for her." I say with a huge smile, Lizzie has the exact same look on her face.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now