Doctors visit pt.2

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Lizzie POV:

The rotor was sorting out all of the injections, she had managed to number it down to five. Which is much better than nine.

She had it set up so four on one arm and five on the other. We knew as soon as the first one went in the would wake up, so scar was holding her tight.

"Okay, I'm gonna get started." And with that the first needle is injected.

Y/n starts to shift but by the time she was fully awake there was only one left in the arm. As she felt he needles she began to fidget. She soon realised what was going on and whimpered again. Dr Manning had finally finished with the first arm and was moving in the the other arm. This one only had four so, but as they were being injected y/n was becoming more difficult.

Finally it was all done and all was sorted. Y/n was crying but she wasn't going to be prodded with needles anymore.

"Great, apart from that she is all clear. Have a great day." The doctor said with a smile, although I'm not sure making a teenager cry I a reason to be happy but oh well.

"Alright shall we get going?" I asked, scarlett nodded but couldn't get up.

"Erm Lizzie, could you carry y/n I don't think I can." Scarlett asks, I would have y/n walk but she seems pretty out of it so maybe not.

"Of course, I will carry her to the car." I say smiling.

I reach over as pick-up y/n. I didn't realise how light she is. Scarlett follows shortly after. We make our way to the car, y/n is currently playing with my baby hairs as a distraction, and something to fiddle with.

As we reach the car, I place her i the back seat and buckle her in, once I have sorted y/n out I get into the drivers seat and smile at Scarlett Whois in the passengers seat.

The drive home was peaceful and quiet. There was nothing but the quiet radio on in the background. It a a nice silence, y/n has stayed asleep and the whimpering had also stopped.

We arrive home, I lift y/n out of the car and inside, she seems pretty exhausted. She sure does look cute, I laid her down on the sofa and placed a blanket on top, I tucked it into her sides.

Scarlett walks over to me and smiles, it's been odd with her, I'm just not sure how she feels. She doesn't really talk to me, and we haven't been intimate since the shooting. I understand that it takes time but I just wish she would communicate with me a little. I can see how much she hates the tube, in the morning when we are getting ready she sighs every time she looks in the mirror.

I just wish I could know what's going on in her head. She never really talks to me like that anymore, all I know is she has nightmares. Of course she denies having nightmares, but I have them too, I wish she would see she isn't alone.

I need to talk to her, and since y/n is asleep now would be a good time to try. She usually dismisses my attempts but I need to know how she's feeling. She has just walked into our room so I am going to her now.

I walk into our bedroom as I slowly open the door, i peak my head through the gap, she doesn't realise I'm here. I see her looking at herself in the mirror, a few tears slowly rolling down her face. Her right hand traces the tube along her cheek, and up to her ear.

As her hand reaches the part that hangs off her ear tears start to roll down. I walk through and close the door, making enough noise for her to hear me. Her head spins round, as soon as she sees me she immediately goes to wiping away the tears. She clamps her eyes shut tight, I walk over wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tight. I rest my forehead against hers, trying my best to comfort her.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now