Truth or dare

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Leah's POV:

As we arrived at the house it still looked as big as before, I'm sure I'll get lost. I turn to look to Scarlett and Lizzie as I walk with them up to the doorway. Lizzie opens the door before allowing me and y/n through.

"Okay so we will show you around and then I will let you settle in your room." Scarlett says with a smile as she places her bag down in the kitchen.

As we make our way through the hallway, we are lead to an open area, which is the full kitchen, the kitchen is attached to the dining room. There is a rather large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, I must admit this is very fancy. When we visited earlier we weren't really given a full tour of the house. I am shown where all the bathrooms are, where the common room is, the living room, movie room and the utility. Once I am shown all of downstairs, I am lead to the spiral staircase.

Up stairs is y/n's room, which I have already seen. They also show me the master bedroom, I am unsure about entering to be honest. I know that they are both very private people, so I don't want to intrude. However they both take a hand and practically pull me in causing me and y/n to laugh at their eagerness. They show me their bed and their bathroom, as well as the walk in wardrobe. I have to admit it's a really nice bedroom, I would love to have a room like that. Scarlett turns to me and smiles softly.

"We said the sa,e thing to y/n and we are going to say the same to you, if you ever need anything during the night, whether that be a hug or something you are more than welcome to join, but I will admit Scarlett likes to steal the bed cover, like all of it!" Lizzie jokes as a pout is earned from Scarlett as we all laugh softly.

We continue round, as I'm shown where the upstairs bathrooms are, they also have a game room, a library, a gym and a yoga room. If I'm honest, I'm not sure why you would need a yoga room, but oh well. We then land at the final door which is opposite y/n's room, and next to Scarlett and Lizzie's. They all stop and motion for me to go in, I take a breath and enter the room.

The room is a light shade of red, but definitely not pink, it has a double bed, a walk in wardrobe, which has a few shirts as well as a coat hanging inside, there's a small desk, that fits nicely into the room, a beanbag and a shoe rack. The bedding is a nice white, with lots of pillows, too many to count.


"Woah? Is that a good thing bad thing? If you don't like it we can change it, we just know red is your favourite, so we went for the feature wall to be red. But it can be changed, we can new furniture, all sorts." Lizzie ramble with a soft smile.

"Definitely a good thing, this room is amazing. But are you sure, I can take the loft, or the basement, I don't need an actual bedroom?" I blurt out, not wanting to be an issue for them. Both Scarlett and Lizzie look at each other unsure before turning to y/n, you can see it in y/n's eyes that she too has spent time in a basement or an attic as a bedroom.

"Absolutely no way you are staying in anywhere other than this bedroom." Scarlett says kind but sternly.

I just nod my head and sit down on the bed, I was expecting it to be hard but as soon as I sat down, I melted into the bed. It was so off, I love it. I jump up and snatch y/n's hand, pulling her onto the bed, she laughed as I flopped on beside her and laughed at how nice the bed felt beneath me.

"I'm guessing you like the bed then?" Lizzie laughs.

"Yes ma'am. It's very soft." I reply politely remembering my manners, I offer a small smile.

"Okay, no need to call me or Scar ma'am. We are just Scarlett and Lizzie, you don't need to be formal." Lizzie explains to me, but I'm confused as all the other homes I've been at have asked for manners and to be polite, but I guess they are just relaxed.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now