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Lizzie's POV:

Y/n is currently asleep on the bed, it is absolutely adorable to watch. I wish we could keep her, I need to talk to Scarlett about it first. When she wakes up, because she will, I need her to.

It's been about an hour and we are waiting for the doctor to come back wit the results. I really hope one of us is a match. It would be a massive help.

There is a light chatter in the room which is rare at the moment, usually it's depressing and quiet, but now there's some chatter, it feels nice.

Our chatter is suddenly stopped when the door is opened, the doctor walks in with a smile. That's good, someone is a match, I wonder who?

"Well we have good news, one of you is a match, which is great, but they are a minor so we need permission from a parent or guardian to proceed." She explains whilst looking at y/n.

Y/n's head snaps round, her whole body frozen in place. All our heads snap looking at her as well, we all slowly smile at the fact that she can help Scarlett, I hope she will. I'm her guardian and she fell of child services radar. I walk over and crouch to her body on the bed. She looks into my eyes.

"Hey, do you want to? I know needles aren't really your thing so it's completely up to you, if you say no it's okay we can find a way." I whisper into her ear. She looks up at me with a smile before slowly nodding her head.

"Thank you so much sweetheart, you might just be saving her life," I whisper back and give her a tight hug before pulling away.

"I am her current guardian, so I can sign, and she says yes." I say with a huge smile.

Everyone gets out of their seats and go over to hug her one by one, I can see she is surprised by the gestures but likes them nonetheless. After everyone has hugged her we all sit back down.

"Okay then I will bring some paperwork, and y/n we will start today okay!" She nods her head, I am so proud, I know she doesn't like needles but she is still willing to do it for Scarlett.

Time skip~

It has been four hours since the results had been announced and the nurse was back to take the first litre from y/n, we could all tell she was nervous. Her little hands were shaking bless, I feel bad that she has so much fear for needles but is still willing, I know what it's like to have a fear and having to face it. She is so brave for her age.

They had set up a comfy chair right next to Scarlett, so y/n could be near her, it was on the side where Melanie and Karsten were. It allows y/n to hold Scars hand in one whilst the other is having blood drawn, it was actually Melanie's idea.

There was an empty blood pouch, where y/n's blood would be put in. There was the elastic band that went around her arm, on the small rack everything was hung on. There was also a small ball that she was supposed so squeeze during the whole process.

"Okay y/n we are ready for you, if you want to take a seat for me," the nurse was very sweet towards her, i presume she could tell she was scared.

Y/n sat down in the chair and instantly held Scarlett's hand, it was the most adorable thing, Melanie definitely was smart with that idea.

"Okay so I'm just gonna tie this around, like this." She said as she tied it around her arm.

"And now I need you to hold this ball for me and when I tell you, you need to keep squeezing it when I tell you yeah!" The nurse was enthusiastic towards her. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Perfect, now I'm just going to pinch you slightly, okay." And the nurse inserts the needle. Y/n let's put a little squeak causing everyone to laugh a little including herself.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now