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Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie are sat in the living room just enjoying each others company, I have to admit it's been a while since it was just the pair of us. I am loving the time we've managed to get right now. We've had a little while now and I am so happy, I'm laid on top of Lizzie with my head rested on her chest, curled up. Her hand is raking through my hair offering a calm comfort.

I am so happy with how everything is going at the moment with y/n she has been more forgiving and has been spending loads of time with me and Lizzie, I think we're making a good amount of progress. Leah however doesn't seem the same, she always has an angry look whenever she sees me or Lizzie enter a room, or try to talk to y/n. It's tiring as we've spent hours trying to talk to her but she just isn't interested. I know she's protecting her girlfriend but if her girlfriends has forgiven us then surely she could find a way to forgive us too.

My thoughts are changed when I feel lizzie kissing my neck, I tilt my head to see her beautiful face but all I see is a smirk. She starts to kiss me on the lips hard, we continue through the kiss when I hear an extremely loud bang, as if someone's fallen. Both me and lizzie heard the bang and leap from our seats, when we shout to see if everyone's okay I hear nothing in reply. A sickening feeling forms in my stomach making me run to y/n's room even faster. The door is flung open and we both come running in, but what I see next breaks my heart.

Y/n is basically being straddled by Leah who is choking her, I can't seem to get my brain into gear as Lizzie grabs Leah and yanks her off y/n. I finally take the initiative to go over to y/n who already has bruising firming in her neck, the side of her cheek also bright red indicating she's been hit, no doubt by Leah as well. I lift y/n and put her pin my lap, rubbing her back and head, giving her as much comfort as possible.

The phone starts ringing and the person on the other end of the phone answers. With a slightly broken voice.

"Hello, 911." The operator says under the phone.

"Hi I need some police and an ambulance please. A teenage girl has been strangled." I whisper into the phone, not wanting to upset y/n as she cries into my shoulder.

I continue to comfort her as I speak into the phone to the operator, she's trembling in my hold which breaks my heart. We trusted Leah and she's broken, how could she do that. I can hear Lizzie yelling at Leah, never have I heard Lizzie raise her voice like that before.

The sirens can be heard as they make their way to the house, I know I'm going to have to open the gate and the door for the ambulance and the police, so I shift y/n so she is laying in the bed. As soon as our contact is lost she lets out a small whine, I move as fast as possible and open the gate and the door, leaving them open for everyone to get inside.

The paramedics ask me where y/n is so I guide them to her room, whilst the police are talking to Lizzie who has Leah blocked and in the main room. The paramedics sit down near y/n and begin to have a look at her, checking her face and neck. I'm scared that there might be permanent damage to her throat, it's already bruising quite heavily but maybe it will be okay.

As I'm watching them I notice the medic point something out to her colleague. I'm guessing it's another hospital trip then. The medic tells us we need to head to the hospital as her larynx and trachea are at risk of being damaged.

They stand y/n up slowly and begin the steady walk to the ambulance, I notice Lizzie beside me and hold her hand tightly. As they make it to the ambulance I notice that Leah is gone, I look to the police car and see her sitting in the back. I turn my focus back on y/n but when the police get in the back of the ambulance with y/n the second officer turns to us.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now